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River Bank

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Donna Manning (USA) - April 2014
River Bank - Brad Paisley
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Restart on Wall 6 – you’ll be facing 12:00 when it happens.

Sec. 1 (1-8) Walk 2X, Heel Swivel, Walk 2X, Heel Swivel
1,2,3&4Walk L, R, Step L fwd, on the balls of both feet swivel heels to the L, bring heels center taking weight up to the L
5,6,7&8Walk R,L Step R fwd, on the balls of both feet swivel heels to the R, bring heels to center taking weight back to the L (12:00)

Sec.2 (9-16) ½ Turn R Triple, Full Turn R Triple (optional fwd triple), Press, Recover, Step, Touch
1&2¼ turn R stepping R to R side, Close L to R, ¼ turn R stepping R fwrd
3&4Step L fwd, Close R to L, Step L fwd (optional full turn R – ½ turn R stepping L back, ½ turn R stepping R fwd, step L fwd)
5,6,7,8Press ball of R fwd, Recover to L, Big step back with R, drag L to R (don’t change weight)(6:00)
***RESTART HERE wall 6 starts in the back the 3rd time – happens facing the front***

Sec.3 (17-24) Kick & Cross, Step, Drag, Kick & Cross, ¼ turn, Drag
1&2, 3,4Kick L to diagonal, Bring L back to center, cross R over L, Step L to L side, Drag R to L
5&6, 7,8Kick R to diagonal, bring R back to center, cross L over R, ¼ turn L stepping R back, drag L to R (3:00)

Sec.4 (25-32) Hip Bumps – 2L, 2 R, L, R, L&L
1,2,3,4Step L to L side bumping hips to L twice, bump hips to the R twice
5,6,7&8Bump hips L, R, …..L,R,L taking weight to L (3:00)

Sec.5(33-40) Cross Rock, Recover, 1 ¼ Triple Turn (optional ¼ turn triple), ¼ Turn, Weave
1,2, 3&4Cross Rock R over L, recover to L, ¼ turn R step R fwd, ½ turn R Step L back, ½ turn R step R fwd
5,6,7,8¼ turn R step L to L side, R behind L, L to L side, Cross R over L (9:00)

Sec.6 (41-48) ¼ Turn, Side, Crossing Triple, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, Cross, Back, Side
1,2,3&4¼ turn R step L back, step R to R side, cross L over R, R to R side, cross L over R (12:00)
5,6,7&8¼ turn L step R back, ¼ turn L step L to L side, cross R over L, Step L back, Step R to R side (6:00)

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script. Video rights assigned to choreographer.



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