CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Mary Dempsey Gypsy!

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Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) - June 2014
The Long Way Home - Derek Ryan : (CD: Country Soul 2013)
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Intro: 16 count after the vocals at (08 sec).

Sec 1. [1-8] R Side Jump, Hold, L Side Jump, Hold, & Touch, Hold, Replace, ¼ R, & Cross, Hold.
&1-2Small jump to right on Rt, touch Lt next to Rt, Hold.
&3-4Small jump to left on Lt, touch Rt next to Lt, Hold.
&5-6Small step back on Rt, touch Lt forward, Hold.
&7-8Turn ¼ right (3) replace on Lt, cross Rt over Lt, Hold.

Sec 2. [9-16] Side Rock, Recover, Behind, ¼ R, Side, Cross Rock Fwd, Recover, ½ L, Step, ¼ L, Knee Lift, Slap Hands 1 time.
1-2Rock Lt to the left, recover on Rt.
3-4Step Lt behind Rt, turn ¼ right (6) step Rt to the right.
5-6Cross rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
7-8Turn ½ left (12) step Lt slightly fwd, turn ¼ left (9) lift R knee up (brush palms ones as if dusting off hands: first L coming down R going up).
Restart here WALL 4 (Facing 9 o`clock) after start again (Facing 6 o`clock).

Sec 3. [17-24] Side, Left Heel & Toe Swivel L, Knee Lift L, Small Step Fwd L, Right Heel & Toe Swivel R, Knee Lift R.
1-4Step Rt to the right, swivel L heel right, swivel L toe right, lift L knee up.
(Weight remains on right during left heel/toe swivels).
5-8Step Lt slightly fwd, swivel R heel left, swivel R toe left, lift R knee up.
(Weight remains on Left during right heel/toe swivels).

Sec 4. [25-32] Walk Half Circle, ¼ R, Heel Lift L, Step, Together, ¼ L, Step, Hold.
1-2Turn ¼ right (12) walk Rt fwd, turn ¼ right (3) walk Lt fwd.
3-4Walk Rt fwd, turn ¼ right (6) lift L heel up.
5-8Step Lt fwd, step Rt next to Lt, turn ¼ left (3) step Lt forward, Hold.

Start Again and have fun!



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