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Outta My Head

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Donna Pearce (AUS) & Maddison Glover (AUS) - May 2014
Outta My Head - Craig Campbell
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Begin dance after count 24. REVISED: 21/06/2014

Fwd, rock fwd, replace, lock shuffle back, back rock, replace, kick-ball
1,2,3,4&Step R fwd, rock fwd onto L, replace weight onto R, step L back, cross R over L,
5,6,7,8&Step L back, rock back onto R, replace weight onto L, kick R fwd, step R together

Step, turning point, step, turning point, step, turning point, behind, side, cross
1,2,3,4Step L fwd, turn 1/4 L as you point R to R side , turn ¼ R stepping R fwd, turn ¼ R pointing L to L side,
5,6,7&8Turn ¼ L stepping L fwd, turn ¼ L pointing R to R side, step R behind, step L to L side, cross R over L (9:00)

¾ turn, step, travelling sailor fwd, travelling sailor fwd, lock shuffle fwd
1,2,3,4&Turn ¼ R stepping back onto L, turn ½ over R stepping fwd onto R, step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side,
5,6&7&8Step R to R side, step L behind, step R to R side (sailors are completed whilst travelling fwd) step L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd. (6:00)

Rocking chair, step ½ pivot, step ½ pivot
1,2,3,4Rock fwd onto R, replace weight onto L, rock back onto R, replace weight onto L,
5,6,7,8Step R fwd, pivot ½ turn over L, step R fwd, pivot ½ turn over L

Cross, rock, ¼, ½, ½ shuffle fwd, ½ shuffle back
1,2,3,4Cross R over L, replace weight back onto L, turn ¼ R stepping fwd onto R, turn ½ over R stepping back onto L,
5&6,7&8Make ½ turn over R stepping R fwd, step L together, step R fwd, make ½ turn over R stepping L back, step R together, step L back. (3:00)

Reverse rocking chair, back rock, replace, full turn
1,2,3,4Rock back onto R, replace weight onto L, rock R fwd, replace weight onto L,
5,6,7,8Rock back onto R, replace weight onto L, make ½ over L stepping R back, make ½ turn over L stepping L fwd.

Turning lock shuffle fwd, turning lock shuffle back (repeat x2)
1&2,3&4Turn 1/8 R (4:30) Step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd, Turn ¼ R (7:30) still facing diagonal Step L back, lock R over L, step L back,
5&6,7&8Turn 1/4 R (10:30) Step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd, Turn ¼ R (1:30) still facing diagonal Step L back, lock R over L, step L back,

Back rock, replace, step fwd, hold, toe switches fwd, rock replace turning ¼
1,2,3,4Square up to 3:00 as you step R back, replace weight onto L, step R fwd, hold
&5&6&78Step L together, point R fwd, step R together, point L fwd, step L together, rock fwd onto R , step back onto L as you begin to turn ¼ R.

#1: During the second sequence, dance up to count 24 and restart facing 12:00.
#2: During the fourth sequence, dance up to count 46. Replace the full turn on counts 47-48 with a ¾
turn R and restart the dance facing 12:00.

Donna Pearce :0402405816 - Maddison Glover: 0430346939 -


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