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Shake This Town

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Tricia Robertson (AUS), Sue Holliday (AUS) & Liz Smith (AUS) - August 2011
Shake This Town - Jayne Denham : (CD: Shake This Town)
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Music: Also available on Download from: Australian iTunes

32 Count Intro – Start on Vocals.

Side. Together. 1/4 Turn Right. Step Pivot 1/2 Turn Right. Full Turn Triple Step Left, Step Pivot 1/4 Turn Right. Cross.
1&2Step Right to Right side. Step Left beside Right. Make 1/4 turn Right stepping forward on Right. (3.00)
3&4Step forward on Left. Pivot 1/2 turn Right. Step forward left. (Facing 9 o’clock)
5&Turn 1/2 turn Left stepping back on Right. Turn 1/2 turn Left stepping forward on Left.
6Step forward on Right.
7&8Step forward on Left. Turn 1/4 turn Right. Cross Left over Right. (Facing 12 o’clock)

Right Heel Dig. Right Hitch & Heel Drop. Right Toe Strut Back. Left Heel Dig. Left Hitch & Heel Drop. Left Toe Strut Back. Right Cross Rock. Side Rock. Right Sailor Step.
1&Dig Right heel forward. Hitch Right knee up while simultaneously lifting Left heel up & down.
2&Step back on Right toe. Drop Right heel to floor
3&Dig Left heel forward. Hitch Left knee up while simultaneously lifting Right heel up & down.
4&Step back on Left toe. Drop Left heel to floor.
5&6&Cross rock Right over Left. Rock back on Left. Rock Right out to Right side. Recover weight on Left
7&8Cross step Right behind Left. Step Left next to Right. Step Right to Right side.

Left Heel Dig. Left Hitch & Heel Drop. Left Toe Strut Back. Right Heel Dig. Right Hitch & Heel Drop. Right Toe Strut Back. Left Cross Rock. Side Rock. Left Sailor 1/4 Turn Left.
1&Dig Left heel forward. Hitch Left knee up while simultaneously lifting Right heel up & down.
2&Step back on Left toe. Drop Left heel to floor.
3&Dig Right heel forward. Hitch Right knee up while simultaneously lifting Left heel up & down.
4&Step back on Right toe. Drop Right heel to floor
5&6&Cross rock Left over Right. Rock back on Right. Rock Left out to Left side. Recover weight on Right.
7&8Cross step Left behind Right. Step Right next to Left. Turning 1/4 turn Left, step forward on Left. (9.00)

Right Lock Step Forward. Left Side Rock. Extended Weave Right. Left Rocking Chair
1&2Step forward on Right. Lock step Left behind Right. Step forward on Right.
3&Rock Left out to Left side. Recover weight on Right.
4&5&Cross Left behind Right. Step Right to Right side. Cross Left over Right. Step Right to Right side.
6&Cross Left behind Right. Step Right to Right side.
7&8&Rock forward on Left. Rock back on Right. Rock back on Left. Rock forward on Right.

Step Pivot 1/2 Turn Right. Step Pivot 1/2 Turn Left. Step Pivot 1/4 Turn Right. Step Pivot 1/4 Turn Right. Side Rock. Cross.
1&2Step forward on Left. Pivot 1/2 turn Right. Step forward on Left. (Facing 3 o’clock)
3&4Step forward on Right. Pivot 1/2 turn Left. Step forward on Right. (Facing 9 o’clock)
5&Step forward on Left. Paddle 1/4 turn Right. (Facing 12 o’clock)
6&Step forward on Left. Paddle 1/4 turn Right. (Facing 3 o’clock)
7&8Rock Left to Left side. Recover weight on Right. Cross Left over Right. (Facing 3 o’clock)

Toe Strut. Cross Toe Strut. Toe Strut. Cross. Unwind 1/2 Turn Right. Shimmy. Kick Ball Change.
1&Touch Right toe to Right side. Drop Right heel to floor.
2&Touch Left toe across in front of Right. Drop Left heel to floor.
3&4Touch Right toe to Right side. Drop Right heel to floor. Cross Left over Right.
&5&6Unwind 1/2 turn Right. Shimmy the shoulders. (Facing 9 o’clock)
7&8Kick Right forward, step Right next to Left. Step Left together. ### ***

Start Again

To fit with the phrasing of the music, one 8 count tag and one 16 count tag repeated once is required.

### 8 count tag at end of 2nd Wall.
1&1/4 Turn Right. Hitch. Cross Rock. Hitch. Right Toe Strut Back & Hitch. Left Toe Strut Back & Hitch. Right Coaster step.
1&Turning 1/4 turn Right, step forward on Right. Turn 1/2 Right, stepping back on Left. (Facing 3 o’clock)
2&Turn 1/2 turn Right stepping forward on Right. Small hop forward on Right.
3&4Hitch & cross rock Left over Right. Recover weight on Right. Step Left beside Right. Hitch Right knee.
5&6&Toe strut back on Right & hitch Left knee. Toe strut back on Left & hitch Right knee.
7&8Step back on Right. Step Left next to Right. Step forward on right.
Start 3rd wall at 9 o’clock with an ‘&’ count Ball Step to Left side.

*** 16 count Tag: done twice at end of wall 4.
[1 – 8] Repeat 8 count tag### as above. Then-
[9 - 16] Left Lock Step Forward. Stomp. Pivot 1/2 Turn Left. Stomp Run Forward. Heel Grind. Replace. Together.
1&2Step forward on Left. Lock step Right behind Left. Step forward on Left.
3 – 4Stomp forward on Right. Slow pivot 1/2 turn Left. (Facing 12 o’clock)
5&6Stomp forward Right. Left. Right.
7&8Dig Left heel forward. Step back on Right. Step Left next to Right.

To finish at the front on Wall 5, dance to Count 30. Replace the Left Rocking Chair with Step. Pivot 1/2 turn Right. Step forward on Left.

Contact: Tricia – -


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