Somethin' Bad

Phrased Advanced
Daan Geelen (NL) & Tommie Nijhuis (NL) - November 2014
'Something Bad' by Miranda Lambert & Carrie Underwood

Seq: A B C A B C A B Restart A end of Dance

PART A: 16 counts
A1: 2x Toe Heel Stomp RL, Mambo Step, Coasterstep.
1&2Touch R Toe next to L, Touch R Heel to side, Stomp R Fwd
3&4Touch L Toe next to R, Touch L Heel to side, Stomp L Fwd
5&6Rock R Fwd, Recover to L, Step R Back
7&8Step L Back, Close R next to L, Step L Fwd

A2: 2x Toe Heel Out RL, Behind Side Cross, Scissor Cross.
1&2Touch R Toe next to L, Touch R Heel to Side, Stomp R to Rightside
3&4Touch L Toe next to R, Touch L Heel to Side, Stomp L to Leftside
5&6Step R behind L, Step L to Leftside, Cross R over L
7&8Step L to Leftside, Close R next to L, Cross L over R

PART B: 48 counts
B1: 2x Kick Rockstep RL, Brush Hitch ¼ Step, Travelling Twist
1&2&Kick R Fwd, Close R next to L, Rock L back, Recover to R
3&4&Kick L Fwd, Close L next to R, Rock R Back, Recover to L
5&6Brush R, Hitch R ¼ Turn Left, Step R To Rightside
7&8Twist Heels L, Twist Toes L, Twist Heels L

B2: Sailorstep ¼, Sailorstep, Behind Side Brush, Brush Step.
1&2¼ Turn Step R Behind L, Close L next to R, Step R to Rightside
3&4Step L Behind R, Close R next to L, Step L to Leftside
5&6Step R Behind L, Step L to Leftside, Brush R next to L stretch leg
7 8Brush R Back next to L, R Big Step to Rightside

B3: Starrock L, Starrock R
1&2&Rock L over R, Recover to R, Rock L to Leftside, Recover to R
3&4Rock L behind R, Recover to R, Rock L to Leftside
5&6&Rock R over L, Recover to L, Rock R to Rightside, Recover to L
7&8Rock R behind L, Recover to L, Rock R to Rightside

B4: Kick Out Out, Heels Toe Heels, Side Step Side, Cross Rock Out
1&2Kick L in front of R, Step L to Leftside, Step R out to Rightside
3&4Both Heels in, Both Toes in, Both Heels in
5&6Step L to Leftside, Close R next to L, Step L to Leftside
7&8Rock R over L, Recover to L, Step R to Rightside

B5: Walk LRLR ¾, Out In Out, Sailorstep ¼
1234Walk Around ¾ Turn L Left Right Left Right
5&6Touch L out, Touch L in, Touch L out
7&8Step L behind R, Close R next to L, Step L ¼ Turn Left Fwd

B6: Starrock R, Starrock L
1&2&Rock R over L, Recover to L, Rock R to Rightside, Recover to L
3&4Rock R behind L, Recover to L, Rock R to Rightside
5&6&Rock L over R, Recover to R, Rock L to Leftside, Recover to R
7&8Rock L behind R, Recover to R, Rock L to Leftside

PART C: 32 counts
C1: Cross Rock Sweep, Coaster step, Scuff, Scuff ½ Turn, 2x Stomp
1 2Rock R over L, Recover to L with Sweep front to back
3&4Step R Back, Close L next to R, Step R Fwd
5 6Scuff L Fwd, Scuff L Back ½ Turn Left on R Step L Fwd
7&8Stomp R next to L, Stomp R out to Left side

C2: Cross Kick, Cross Heel, Cross, Turn ½, Cross Shuffle
1&2Cross L in front of R, Step R to Right side, Kick L diagonal Fwd Left
&3&4Step L next to R, Cross R in front of L, Step L to Left side, Touch R Heel diagonal to Right side
&5 6Step R next to L, Cross L over R, Turn ½ on both feet to Right side
7&8Step R over L, Step L to Left side, Step R over L

C3: Side Rock Cross, 2x Twist Kick, Sailor step ¼, Turn ¾.
1&2&Step L to Left side, Recover to R, Step L over R, Close R next to L
3&4Twist Both Heels to Right side, Twist both Toes to Right side, Twist R Heel to Right side and Kick L to Left side
5&6Step L behind R, Close R next L, Step L ¼ Turn Left
7 8Turn on L ¾ Turn Sweep R back to front, Step on R

C4: Hinge Turn ½ Touch, Knee Twist, Rock Cross ¼ Turn, Triple Turn ¾.
1&2Cross L over R, Step R back ¼ Turn Left, Step L ¼ Turn Left
&3&4Close R next to L, Step R diagonal Fwd knees out, Close L next to R, Step L Diagonal Fwd Knees out
&5&6Rock R to Right side ¼ Turn Left (facing 9 o’clock), Recover to L, Cross R over L
7&8Step L Back ¼ Turn Right, Step R ½ Turn Fwd Turn Right, Step L Fwd


Last Update - 17th Jan. 2016