We Can Leave the Night On

Carol Cotherman (USA) - December 2014
Leave the Night On - Sam Hunt

#16-Count Intro

Side, Rock, Recover, Side Triple, Rock, Recover, ½ Triple Turn
1-2-3-4&5Step to right, rock left behind right slightly popping right knee, recover to right, step left to side, step right beside left, step left to side
6-7-8&1Rock right behind left slightly popping left knee, recover to left, ½ turn left stepping right, left, right (6:00)

Rock, Recover, Step, ¼ Turn, Cross, Scissor Step, Hold, Ball, Step
2-3-4&5Rock left back slightly popping right knee, recover to right, step left forward, ¼ turn right with weight to right, cross left over right (9:00)
6&7-8&1Step right to side, step left beside right, cross right over left, hold, step left ball slightly left, cross right over left

Side, Rock, Triple Forward, Rock, Recover, ½ Triple Turn
2-3-4&5Step left to side, rock right back, recover stepping left forward, step right beside left, step left forward
6-7-8&1Rock right forward, recover to left, ½ turn right stepping right, left, right (3:00)

¼ Paddle Turn, ¼ Paddle Turn, Triple Forward, ¼ Paddle Turn, ¼ Paddle Turn, Sailor Side
2-3-4&5¼ Paddle turn right keeping left toe close to right, ¼ paddle turn right keeping let toe close to right (add hip movement to paddle turns), step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward (9:00)
6-7-8&(1)¼ Paddle turn left keeping right toe close to left, ¼ paddle turn left keeping right toe close to left (add hip movement to paddle turns), step right behind left, step left beside right, step right to side (count 1) (3:00)

Tag/Restart on Wall 3 after 16 counts facing 3.00 – Change count 16 from a “hold” to “sway left”.

ENDING: The last wall begins facing 6:00. Dance counts 1, 2, 3.
Add a ½ triple turn right: ¼ turn right stepping on left (4), ¼ turn right stepping on right (&), step left across right (5).

Contact: topcat1217@windstream.net