Purest Pain

Micaela Svensson Erlandsson (SWE) - January 2015
Purest Of Pain - Son By Four

** Dedicated to my lovely daughter Joana Lammers **

Alternative music: A Puro Dolor (Bachata) by Son By Four

Section 1: Slow Chasse right. Touch. Slow Chasse left. Touch.
1-4Step right to right side. Close left beside right. Step right to right side. Touch left toe diagonally forward.
5-8Step left to left side. Close right beside left. Step left to left side. Touch right toe diagonally forward.

Section 2: Right Rumba box forward.
1-4Step right to right side. Step left beside right. Step forward on right. Touch left beside right.
5-8Step left to left side. Step right beside left. Step left back. Hold.

Section 3: Slow Coaster step right. Hold. Slow Lock forward left. Hold.
1-4Step back right. Step left beside right. Step forward right.
5-8Step forward left. Lock right behind left. Step forward left.

Section 4: Step. Turn 1/4 left. Cross. Hold. Side behind side. Touch.
1-4Step forward on right. Turn 1/4 left. Cross rightover left. Hold.
5-8Step left to left side. Cross right behind left. Step left to left side. Touch righ beside left

Ending: At the end of the music, facing wall 6, simply turn 1/2 left, after the Slow lock forward left, to face front wall.