Charleston Love

High Beginner
Natasha Ind (UK) - May 2015
Still in Love with You - Electro Velvet : (UK Eurovision Entry 2015)

Start dance on “Don’t”

S1: Left Shuffle, Charleston step, Forward Shuffle
1&2Step Left to Left side, Right beside to Left, Left to left side.
3-4Step Right slightly forward, Kick Left forward,
5-6Step Left beside Right, Touch Right back
7&8Step Right Forward, Left beside Right, Right forward.

S2: Hitching Charleston, Heel touches, Behind ¼ turn step
9&10Touch Left Forward, Slight Hitch Left knee, Step Left beside Right
11&12Touch Right back, Slight Hitch Right knee, Step Right beside Left
13-14Touch Left heel to Left side twice
15&16Step Left behind Right, Stepping Right forward, make a ¼ turn Right, Step Left forward.

S3: Swinging Charleston, Step Locks x2
17-18Touch Right toe forward, (with a slight swing) Step Right back
19-20Touch Left toe forward, (with a slight swing) Step Left back.
21&22Step Right forward, Step Left behind Right
23&24Step Left forward, Step Right behind Left, Step Left forward.

S4: Sidekicks, Coaster Step, Hop, Hold
25-26&Weight on left foot, raise Right Leg, kick Right out to Right side twice, Place Right beside Left.
27-28Weight on Right foot, raise left leg, kick Left out to Left side twice.
** Counts 25-28 optional Charleston style arm movements, air pumps up twice or down twice**
29&30Step Left back, Step Right beside Left, Step Left forward
31&32Hop forward onto Right foot, dip torso to left side and back with arms bent up.
**Counts 29-32, for non kickers and hoppers.
29-32Right heels touches, place, Left heel touches, Coaster step, Step Right forward, Step Left next to Right, Hold.
