We Went

Dee Blansett (USA) - June 2015
We Went - Randy Houser

Walk, Walk, Right Kickball-Change with ¼ Turn X2, Right Kickball-Change
1-2Walk forward Right (1), Walk forward Left (2)
3&4Kick Right foot forward (3), Bring ball of Right foot home lifting left foot up (&), Step on Left while turning ¼ turn left (4) 9:00
5&6Kick Right foot forward (5), Bring ball of Right foot home lifting left foot up (&), Step on Left while turning ¼ left (6) 6:00
7&8Kick Right foot forward (7), Bring ball of Right foot home lifting left foot up (&), Step on Left (8)

Right Rocking Chair, Right Jazz box
1-4Rock forward Right (1), Recover onto Left (2), Rock back on Right (3), Recover onto Left (4)
5-8Cross/Step Right over Left (5), Step back on Left (6), Step Right side right (7), Step forward on Left (8)

Kick Switches (Right, Left, Double Right, Left, Right), Step Left Down, Touch Right
1&2&Low Kick Right across Left (1), Step Right beside left (&), Kick Left across right (2), Step Left beside right (&)
3-4Kick Right across left twice (3-4)
&5&6Bring Right foot down (&) Low Kick Left across right (5), Step Left beside right (&), Kick Right across left (6)
&7&8Bring Right foot down (&), Kick Left forward (7), Step Left beside right (&) Touch Right beside left (8)

Vine Right with Hitch, Vine Left with Hitch
1-4Step Right side right (1), Cross/step Left behind right (2), Step Right side right (3), Hitch Left knee up (4)
5-8Step Left side left (5), Cross/step Right behind left (6), Step Left side left (7), Hitch Right Knee Up (8)


Optional Tag: Dance 32, 32, 32 and add the following 4 Count tag at the end of Wall 3, facing 6:00
1&2Hips Bumps- Step Right forward and bump hips back and forth.
3&4Hips Bumps- Step Left forward and bump hips back and forth.
Note: You can push through the tag if you want something easier!

Contact: DeeBlansett@udancers.com - www.udancers.com

Last Site Update – 5th July 2015