GMDA (Great Minds Drink Alike)

Kristal Lynn Konzen (USA) - June 2015
Great Minds Drink Alike - Rick Monroe

**Please do not alter this stepsheet in any way, unless granted specific permission by Kristal Lynn Konzen.**

Hold first two eight counts. Begin dance when Rick begins singing on 3rd 8 count
Dance should begin with weight on your Left foot, Right foot begins

Section 1: Grapevine With Scuff, Three Step Turn with Double Stomp
1,2,3,4Grapevine Right (step side R, cross behind L, side R, scuff left foot out to side on the “4” count)
5,6,7Three step turn over Left shoulder (L,R,L)
&8Double stomp Right foot together (end facing 12:00)

Section 2: Kick and Points, Right Box Step, Step
1&2Kick Right foot, step together to meet left foot, point Left toe out to side
3&4Kick Left foot forward, step in together to meet right foot, point Right foot out to side
5,6,7,8Box step R crossing over L, slide back on L foot, slide side on R, step L foot in (weight to left foot)

Section 3: Two Steps Forward, Right Coaster Step, Left Shuffle , Right Heel Grind
1,2Step forward with Right foot, Step forward with Left foot
3&4Back Coaster with Right foot (R-L-R)
5&6Shuffle step forward beginning with Left foot (L-R-L)
7,8Right foot steps in to meet Left foot, Heel grind with Right foot out to R quarter turn (3:00)

Section 4: Coaster Step, Left lock step, Kick and Point, Sailor Step, Step
1&2Step Right foot back, Left foot meets Right together, Right steps forward
3&4Lock step forward with Left foot, Right locks behind, step Left foot forward
5&6Point Right toe front, meet feet together, Left toe points out to Left side (weight ends on R foot)
7&8Left Sailor step beginning with Left foot (Left, Right, Left), weight ends on Left foot

*** 2 Tags with restarts beginning right after the tags – right after third eight count (Walls : 3 & 6 )
First one is after the first chorus, second one is after the second chorus; the rest of the song continues without any tags or restarts. Tag – 4 steps; 2 back, 2 front (R, L, R, L) – so weight ends on L foot to restart dance on R foot with vine***

Kristal Lynn Konzen, Dance Instructor / Choreographer
Direct: (805) 558-1550 | Email:

Updated June 10/2015