The Honky Tonk Shuffle

Connor Purcell (USA) - July 2015
Honky Tonk Badonkadonk - Trace Adkins

Once the music begins its a 40 count intro before the dance starts. No Tags Or Restarts.

[1-8] Grapevine to you right and grapevine to your left steps
1-4grapevine to the right.
5-8grapevine to the left.

[9-16] triple step forward right and left and then triple step back right and left
1 & 2is a triple step forward right
3 & 4is a triple step forward left
5 & 6is a triple step back right
7 & 8is a triple step back left

[17-24] right heel, left heel, right heel, left heel and hip bumps
1-4right heel, left heel, right heel, left heel
5-8two hip bumps to the right and then two hip bumps to the left

[25-32] scissor step right and scissor step left then half turn
1 & 2rock out to side right, recover to left, cross right over left, hold
3 & 4rock out to side left, recover to right cross right over right, hold
5-8turn over your left shoulder a half turn for a 4 count.

Begin over, starting at step 1

As always have fun and add as much style and flare as you want.
If you need to contact me you can at