Sunny Afternoon

Cato Larsen (NOR), Jo Kinser (UK) & John Kinser (UK) - September 2015
Sunny Afternoon - Drake Bell : (CD: Drake Bell - Drake Bell - 2015)

Intro: Start the dance at vocals after 32 counts of intro. (16 seconds).
Motion: Novelty (Social only).
Tempo: 132 BPM.
SOD: Speed of Dance; Normal.

[1 – 8] Toe Struts back with Finger Clicks.
1,2Touch ball of right foot back (1), Step back on right & Click your fingers (2). 12:00
3,4Touch ball of left foot back (3), Step back on left & Click your fingers (4).
5,6Touch ball of right foot back (5), Step back on right & Click your fingers (6).
7,8Touch ball of left foot back (7), Step back on left & Click your fingers (8).

[9 – 16] Kick-Ball-Change, Step, 1/4 turn, Kick-Ball-Change, Step, 1/4 turn.
1&2Kick right foot forward (1), Step right next to left (&), Step left next to right (2).
3,4Step forward on right (3), Pivot ¼ turn left (4). 9:00
5&6Kick right foot forward (5), Step right next to left (&), Step left next to right (6).
7,8Step forward on right (7), Pivot ¼ turn left (8). 6:00

[17 – 24] Rock forward & back (Rocking Chair), Jazz Box 1/4 turn, Cross.
1,2Step forward on right (1), Rock (recover) back again onto left (2).
3,4Step back on right (3), Rock (recover) forward again onto left (4).
5,6Cross right over left (5), Step back on left (6).
7,8Pivot ¼ turn right Stepping right slightly to right side (7), Cross left over right (8). 9:00

[25 – 32] Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Step, 1/2 turn, Rock Step.
1,2Step right to right side (1), Touch left toe next to right (2).
3,4Step left to left side (3), Touch right toe next to left (4).
5,6Step forward on right (5), Pivot ½ turn left (6). 3:00
7,8Step forward on right (7), Rock (recover) back again onto left (8).

[33 – 40] Diagonally Back, Cross, Back, Kick, Back, Cross, Back, Kick.
1,2Step right diagonally back right (1), Cross left over right (2).
3,4Step right diagonally back right (3), Kick left foot diagonally forward left (4).
5,6Step left diagonally back left (5), Cross right over left (6).
7,8Step left diagonally back left (7), Kick right foot diagonally forward right (8).

[41 – 48] Side, Kick, Cross, Kick, Run around 3/4 turn right.
1,2Step right to right side (1), Kick left foot diagonally forward across of right (2).
3,4Cross left over right (3), Kick right foot diagonally forward right (4).
5,6,7,8Run around ¾ turn right Stepping r,l,r,l (5,6,7,8). 12:00

[49 – 56] Charleston Kick, ½ turn, Kick, Walk back.
1,2Step forward on right (1), Kick left foot forward (2).
3,4Step back on left (3), Point right toe back (4).
5,6Pivot ½ turn right keeping weight on left (5), Kick right foot forward (6). 6:00
7,8Step back on right (7), Step back on left (8).

Disclaimer: Please note that we have taken out the 3 Restarts after count 32. Although it is technically called for in the music, we feel as an Improver dance it is not required as the restarts are not definite enough.

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Last Site Update - 18th Nov 2015