No Wings

Sarah Wilson - December 2015
Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron & Wine : (Album: Iron and Wine - from Twilight Soundtrack)

Start dance on word “Quick”

Left Twinkle, Cross right over left, Sweep left out and round, Left Twinkle, Weave left
1 2 3Cross left over right, rock right to right side, recover on to left
4 5 6Cross right over left, sweep left from back to front
1 2 3Cross left over right, rock right to right side, recover on left
4 5 6Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right behind left

Step left, Touch right, Step right, Touch left, Step left, Touch right, Step back on right, Touch left
1 2 3Step left foot to left side, slide right foot to meet left foot
4 5 6Step right foot to right side, slide left foot to meet right foot
1 2 3Step left to left side, slide right foot to meet left foot
4 5 6Step back on right, slide left foot to meet right foot

Step forward on left, Touch right, Grapevine to right, Diagonal cross rock, Recover
1 2 3Step forward on left, slide right foot to left foot
4 5 6Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side
1 2 3Rock on to left facing diagonal (over 3 counts)
4 5 6Recover on to right (over 3 counts)

1 and ¼ turn left, Sway right, Sway left, Toe unwind full turn right, Sweep left leg from back to front
1 2 3Step left to left side and make a 1 and ¼ turn over left shoulder
Alternative option - Grapevine left with quarter turn
4 5 6Sway right (over 3 counts)
1 2 3Sway left (over 3 counts)
4 5 6Cross right behind left unwind a full turn sweep left leg from back to front
