Another Round

Natasha Ind (UK) - December 2015
Pop a Top - Alan Jackson

S1: Coaster Step, Walks, Kickball Change, sway ¼ step right.
1&2Step right back, left next to right, right forward
3,4Walk forward left, right
5&6Slight kick left forward, touch left ball next to right, step right in place
&7,8Using ball of right foot, make a ¼ turn right, step left to left, recover onto right.

S2: Shuffle left, back rock, shuffle right, cross rock.
1&2Step left to left side, right next to left, left to left side
3,4Rock back on right, recover onto left.
5&6Step right to right side, left next to right, right to right side
7,8Rock step left over right, recover onto right.
(Body will be at a slight angle)

S3: Points, Flick, Step lock, Forward rock.
1,2,3,Point left toe to left side, across right, to left side
4Flick right heel up
5&6Making 1/8 turn left (squaring body to wall) Step left forward, lock step right behind left, step left forward
7,8Rock step right forward, recover onto left

S4: Coaster Step, Forward Rock, Coaster Step, Heel toe touches.
1&2Step Right back, left next to right, right forward
3,4Rock step left forward, recover onto right
5&6Step left back, right next to left, right forward
7,8Touch right heel forward, right toe next to left.
