Me Gusta La Vida

Marja Urgert (NL) & Pony Chen (TW) - May 2016
Me Gusta la Vida - Orchestra Mario Riccardi

Intro: 32 Counts

Section 1. Step R To R Side, Step Together, R Chasse With 1/4 Turn Right, Step L Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn Right, L Shuffle Fwd
1-2RF.Step to R side - LF.Step together
3&4RF.Step to R side - LF.Step together - RF. 1/4 Turn right step fwd (3)
5-6LF.Step fwd - 1/2 Turn right (9)
7&8LF.Step fwd - RF.Step together - LF.Step fwd

Section 2. Cross Mambo, Cross Mambo, Syncopated Jazz Box with 1/4 Turn Right, Side Point
1&2RF.Cross rock over LF - Recover to LF - RF.Step to R side
3&4LF. Cross rock over RF - Recover to RF - LF.Step to L side
5-6&7RF. Cross over LF - LF.Step behind - RF.1/4 Turn right step to R side - LF.Step fwd (12)
8RF.Point to R side

Section 3. Touch, Kick, Back Shuffle, Touch, Kick, Back Shuffle
1-2RF.Touch beside LF - RF. Kick to diagonal right fwd
3&4RF.Step bwd - LF.Step together - RF.Step bwd
5-6LF.Touch beside RF - LF.Kick to left diagonal fwd **Ending**
7&8LF.Step bwd - RF.Step together - LF.Step bwd

Section 4. Back Rock Step, Recover, Kick-Ball-Step, 1/2 Turn Left, 1/4 Turn left, Kick-Ball-Cross
1-2RF. Back rock – Recover
3&4RF. Kick fwd – RF. Step together – LF. Step fwd
5-6RF.1/2 Turn left, step back – LF. 1/4 Turn left, step to left side (3)
7&8RF. Kick diagonal right fwd – RF. Step together – LF. Cross over RF

Start Again

Ending: dance wall 15 (6:00) to count 23 (count 5 of the 3rd block ) - Then
6LF. Step back
7&8Shuffle 1/2 turn right R,L,R (12)

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