It Feels Good

Laurie Schlekeway-Burkhardt (USA) - September 2016
It Feels Good - Drake White

#1st 8 count: Step, hold (clap twice), step, hold (clap once), Shuffle right, Rock recover
1-4Stomp right to right side (1), hold while clapping hands twice (2), stomp left slightly in front of right (3),hold while clapping hands once (4)
5&6Shuffle to the right – right (5), left (&), right (6),
7-8rock left foot back (7), recover onto right foot (8)

#2nd 8 Counts: Kick ball cross, Kick ball cross, Step touches making a half turn, scoot step, triple step
1&2, 3&4kick left foot diagonal to left (1), step left in place (&), step right slightly in front (2), repeat that step
5-8Step a ¼ turn to left (5), touch right toe next to left without putting weight down on it(6), step back on right making half turn to left (7), touch left toe slightly forward (8)

#3rd 8 Counts: Step, Scoot, Shuffle step, Monterey
1-2Step forward on left (1), scoot right behind left (2),
3&4shuffle forward left (7), right slightly in place (&), left foot forward (8)
5-8Touch right toe out to right side (5), step right foot back to center (6), making a half turn, touch left toe out to left side (7), step left foot back to center (8) (9:00)

#4th 8 Counts: Jump out, Hold, Jump out, Hold, ¼ turn hip grinds (2 - 1/8 pivot steps)
&1-2jump slightly forward straddling feet apart – right foot out to right first (&), left foot out to left (1), hold (2)
&3-4Repeat last move
5-8Step right foot forward grinding hips in a circle right to left making a 1/8 of a turn to the left, repeat – make sexy.
Now facing back wall.

