The Irish In Me

Beginner / Improver
Kathryn Rowlands (WLS) - March 2017
Gaffos Ball - Sharon Shannon (feat. Steve Earle) : (CD: The Galway Girl)

[instrumental: count 16 from beginning]

Alt music: Warriors, CD Lord of the Dance [16-ct intro from the beat]
Dance progresses in a counter-clockwise direction

[1-8] Rock Step, Coaster, Rock, Step, Heel Splits
1-2Rock forward on right foot, recover onto left
3&4Step right foot back, step left foot back beside right, step right foot forward
5-6Rock forward on left foot, recover onto right
7&8Step back on left foot, swivel heels out-in (right foot will be slightly forward) [12:00]

[9-16] Grapevine, Cross, Coaster, Heel Dig x2
1-4Step right to right side, cross left behind right, right to right side, cross left foot in front of right
5&6Step right foot back, step left foot back beside right, step right foot forward
7-8Dig left heel to left diagonal x2 (hitch left knee between digs for more style) [12:00]

[17-24] Grapevine, Cross, Coaster, Pivot Turn
1-4Step left to left side, cross right behind right, left to left side, cross right foot in front of left
5&6Step left foot back, step right foot back beside left, step left foot forward
7-8Step right foot forward, pivot ¼ turn left on balls of both feet (weight on left foot) [9:00]

[25-32] Rocking Chair, Coaster, Step, Heel Splits
1-4Rock right foot forward, recover back onto left, rock right foot back,recover forward onto left
5&6Step right foot forward, step left foot forward beside right, step right foot back
7&8Step back on left foot, swivel heels out-in [9:00]

Begin again