Sister Kate

Roger Neff (USA) - April 2017
Sister Kate - The Ditty Bops

Intro: 8 counts after full instrumentals begin.
Tag: 1 Tag X 3

[1-8] Walk Forward R, L, Rocking Chair, Shuffle Forward, Mambo Step
1-2Walk forward R, L
3&4&Rock forward on R, Recover on L, Rock back on R, Recover on L
5&6Step forward on R, Step L beside R, Step forward on R
7&8Step forward on L, Recover on R, Step L beside R

[9-16] Step Back on R, Turn ¼ to L and Step on L, Cross Shuffle, Side Touch, Step R, Sailor Step with ¼ Turn
1-2Step back on R, Turn ¼ to L and step on L
3&4Step R over L, Step to L, Step R over L
5&6Step L, Touch R beside L, Step R
7&8Step L behind R, Turn ¼ to L and step on R beside L, Step forward on L

[17-24] R and L Shuffles Forward, Charleston
1&2Step forward on R, Step L beside R, Step forward on R
3&4Step forward on L, Step R beside L, Step forward on L
5-6-7-8Touch R toe forward, Step R home, Touch L toe back, Step L home

[25-32] Rock Forward, Recover, Turn ¼ to R and Step on R, Cross Shuffle, Point R, L, Swivel Heels R, Center
1&2Rock forward on R, Recover on L, Turn ¼ to R and step R
3&4Step L over R, Step R, Step L over R
5&6Point R toe to R, Step R in Place, Point L toe to L
7&8Step L in place, Swivel both heels to R, to center

TAG: There is a 4-count Tag at the end of walls 1, 3, and 6 (each time following 32 counts of vocals). You will repeat the last four counts of the dance minus the heel swivels. Instead of swivels, do a shimmy for counts 7&8 (like Sister Kate!).

Contact Roger at:

Step sheet corrected on 08/07/2017.
Last Site Update – 27th July 2017