Coupe De Ville

Phrased Intermediate
Ingrind Kan (TW) & Carol Luo (TW) - August 2017
Coupe de Ville - Si Cranstoun

Sequence: AB, AB, Tag, C, AB, AB, Tag, C, AB, B, AB, Tag ,C, Tag, A(3×8)

Part A: 32 counts
A[1-8] Right Side Touch, Touch In, Double Kick, Coaster Step,Hold
1-2Tap R toe out to right side. Touch R toe next to L instep.
3-4Kick R foot forward x 2.
5-8Step back on R. Step L next to R. Step forward on R. hold

A[9-16] Left Side Touch, Touch In, Double Kick, Coaster Step,
1-2Tap L toe out to right side. Touch L toe next to R instep.
3-4Kick L foot forward x 2.
5-8Step back on L. Step R next to L. Step forward on L. hold

A[17-24] Toe Strut, Step Turn1/2, Toe Strut, Step Turn L 1/4
1-2RF touch toes in front, RF take weight
3-4LF forward, 1/2 turn right on LF and step forward onto RF
5-6LF touch toes in front, LF take weight
7-8RF forward,1/4 turn left and step on LF

A[25-32] Jazz Box, L Step, R touch together, R Step, L touch together
1-4Step R across L, Step L back, Step R to R side, Touch L together
5-6Step L to left side (or back), touch R together
7-8Step R to right side (or back), touch L together

Part B: 32 counts
B[1-8] Scissors, Hold, Toe Strut
1-4LF step L, RF next to LF, LF cross over RF, Hold
5-6RF touch R side, RF take weight (with snap)
7-8LF touch cross RF, LF take weight (with snap)

B[9-16] Scissors, Hold, Toe Strut
1-4RF step R, LF next to RF, RF cross over LF, Hold
5-6LF touch L side, LF take weight (with snap)
7-8RF touch cross LF, RF take weight(with snap)

B[17-24] Coaster Step, Brush, Lock Step, Brush
1-4Step back on L. Step R next to L. Step forward on L. RF brush forward
5-8RF step forward, LF lock to RF, Rf step forward, LF brush forward

B[25-32] Step 1/2 Pivot Turn Right, Out, Out, Heel Bounce×2
1-2LF forward Step, Pivot 1/2 turn right,
3-4Step LF to left side, step RF to right side
5-6Lift Both heels Up, Drop both heels to the floor
7-8Lift Both heels Up, Drop both heels to the floor

Part C: 16 counts
C[1-8] R toe, R heel, R cross, hold & clap, L toe, L heel, L cross, hold & clap
1-2Touch R toe next to L with R knee popped in (1), touch R heel to right diagonal (2) 9.00
3-4Cross R over L (3), hold and clap hands (4) 9.00
5-6Touch L toe next to R with L knee popped in (5), touch L heel to left diagonal (5) 9.00
7-8Cross L over R (7), hold and clap hands (8) 9.00

C[9-16] Diagonal Forward, Touch & Clap, Back, Touch & Clap, Diagonal Back, Touch & Clap, Forward Touch & Clap
1-2Step RF diagonal forward, touch left toe next to RF and clap hands
3-4Step LF back to center, touch right toe next to LF and clap hands
5-6Step RF diagonal back, touch left toe next to RF and clap hands
7-8Step LF forward to center, touch right toe next to LF and clap hands

[1-6] Out, Hold, Out, Hold, Hip Bumps
1-2Step RF to right side, hold,
3-4Step LF to left side, hold
5-6Bump hips right, bump hips left

Ending: Dance To Part A Counts 24,
The 24th count 1/2 turn left and step on LF (instead of 1/4 turn left and step on LF.)
