Past Friends

Ryan King (UK) - September 2017
The People You Knew - Jamie Floyd

Intro: 24 counts (10 seconds), start on vocals.

S1: Step L, Point R, Hold, Back R, L Rock Recover
1 2 3Step forward L, point R to R side, hold.
4 5 6Step back R, rock out L, recover onto R.

S2: Back L, R Rock Recover, Behind Side Cross
1 2 3Step back L, rock out R, recover
4 5 6Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R over L.

S3: Step L, Drag R, 1/4 R, Full Turn
1 2 3Step L to L side, drag R to L for 2 counts.
4 5 6Step 1/4 R, turn 1/2 R stepping back on L turn 1/2 R forward on R (3 o’clock).

S4: Step L, Point R, Hold, 1/4 R, L Rock Recover
1 2 3Step forward L, point R to R side, hold.
4 5 6Turn 1/4 R stepping back R, rock L to L side recover onto R. (6 o’clock)

S5: Cross Twinkle, Cross Side Behind
1 2 3Cross L over R, rock R to R side, recover L.
4 5 6Cross R over L, step L to L side, step R behind L.
Restart here on wall 5, but include the 1/4 L as the first step.

S6: 1/4 L, Pivot 1/2, Full Turn R
1 2 3Turn 1/4 L stepping on L, step forward R, pivot 1/2 L putting weight onto L.
4 5 6Step forward R, turn 1/2 R stepping back on L turn 1/2 R forward on R. (9 o’clock)

S7: Walk L, R with Drags
1 2 3Step forward L, drag R to L for 2 counts.
4 5 6Step forward R, drag L to R for 2 counts.

S8: L Rock 1/2 Turn, Pivot 1/2 Step
1 2 3Rock forward on L, recover onto R, turn 1/2 L stepping forward on L. (3 o’clock)
4 5 6Step forward R, turn 1/2 L stepping onto L, step forward R. (9 o’clock)

Restart: Wall 5 – Dance up to count 30, start the dance again by stepping 1/4 L to face 9 o’clock.