Yours If You Want It

Lindsay Spence (SCO) - April 2017
Yours If You Want It - Rascal Flatts

Start on vocals

Section 1: Right Heel Toe Right shuffle, Left Heel Toe Left shuffle
1-2Right heel forward, right toe back,
3&4Right forward left together right forward
5-6Left heel forward, Left toe back
7&8Left forward right together left forward

Section 2: Right ¼ turn Right cross shuffle, Left side together Left shuffle
1-2Step right forward turn ¼ left
3&4Cross right over left step left cross right over left
5-6left to left side right together
7&8left forward right together left forward
Restart on Wall 3

Section 3: right heel jacks, left heel jacks.
1-2&3&4R side to right, Left behind Right, right to right side, left heel forward recover, cross right over left
5-6&7&8Left to left side, Right behind Left to side, Right heel forward recover, step left beside right.

Section 4: Shuffle forward right, step ½ turn, shuffle ½ turn, shuffle ½ turn.
1&2Step Right forward, left beside, right forward.
3-4Step left ½ turn.
5&6step forward left, right together step left making ½ turn.
7&8step right back, left together, right step back making ½ turn.

Section 5: heel and toe switch x2
1&2left heel forward, recover, weight on left, right toe touch beside left.
3&4left heel forward, recover, weight on left, right toe touch beside left.

Hope you enjoy this dance

Happy Dancing