Little Swing

Pooi Kuan (MY) - December 2017
Little Swing (feat. Little Sis Nora) - AronChupa : (Music Edited)

Dance starts after 16 counts from heavy beat.
Start on the word “knees”

Section 1: Right Apple Jack, Left Apple Jack, Charleston Step
1 & 2Weight on heels & toes swivel out, toes swivel in & heels swivel out - Heels swivel in & toes swivel out
3 & 4Toes swivel in & heels swivel out, heels swivel in & toes swivel out, Toes swivel in & heels swivel out
5 6 7 8Touch RF Forward, Step RF Back, Touch LF Back, Step LF Forward

Section 2: Scuff, Scuff, Triple Step
1 2Scuff RF Forward, Scuff RF to R side
3 & 4Triple Step on RF,LF,RF
5 6Scuff LF Forward, Scuff LF to L side
7 & 8Triple Step on LF,RF,LF

Section 3: Toe & Heel & Toe & Heel & ¼ Turn, Jazz Box
1 & 2 &Touch R Toe, Step on RF, L Heel Tap, Step on LF
3 & 4 &1/4L Turn Touch R Toe, Step on RF, L Heel Tap, Step on LF
5 6 7 8Cross RF over LF, Step LF Back, Step RF to R, Step LF next to RF

Section 4: & Out, & In, & Out, & In
&1 2Step RF diagonal forward, Step LF to L, Hold (Posture)
& 3 4Step RF back, Step LF next to RF. Hold (Posture)
& 5 6Step RF diagonal backward, Step LF to L, Hold (Posture)
& 7 8Step RF forward, Step LF next to RF, Hold (posture)

Tag: 4 counts Tag after wall 6 (facing 6:00):
1 2 3 4Bump hip 4 times from left to right
or Bump hip left right left right

~~~ Enjoy! ~~~

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