Sweet Home Alabama

Brandi Hughes (CAN) - February 2018
Sweet Home Alabama - Karen-Lee Batten

Intro: 32 Counts

Sec. 1. Slide Touch (x2), Rock/Recover, Heel Tap, Step, Sweep, 1/4Turn Sit
1-2Step Right forward on right diagonal (1), Slide Left up beside right and touch (2)
3-4Step Left forward on Left diagonal (3), Slide Right up beside left and touch (4)
5&6&Step Right forward (5), Recover weight back on Left (&), Tap Right Heel forward (6), Step Right beside left (&)
7-8Sweep Left counterclockwise to left side (7), Sit down into Right hip making ¼ turn left (9:00)(8)

Sec. 2. Step, Tap, Step, Hitch, Lock Step, Hip Rolling ¼ Pivot Turn
1-2Step Left forward (1), Tap Right toe behind left foot (2)
3-4Step Right back (3), Hitch Left knee up (4)
5&6Step Left forward (2), Lock Right in behind left (&), Step Left forward (6)
7-8Step Right forward starting to roll hips back counterclockwise (7), Roll hips around to take weight on Left (8)

Sec. 3. Cross, Point & Point & Heel & Heel, Hook, Heel Tap (x2)
1-2&Cross Right over left (1), Point Left to left side (2), Step Left beside right (&)
3&4&Point Right to right side (3), Step Right beside Left (&), Tap Left Heel Forward (4), Step Left beside right (&)
5-6Tap Right Heel forward (5), Hook Right Heel in front of left shin (6)
7-8Tap Right Heel forward (7), Tap Right Heel forward (8)

Sec. 4. Press, Kick, Shuffle Back, Sugar Foot (x2)
1-2Press Right toe into floor (1), Recover weight back on Left kicking Right toe forward (2)
3&4&Step Right back (3), Step Left back beside right (&), Step Right back (4), Step Left back beside right (&)
5&6Turn Right knee in Tapping Right toe (5), Tap Right heel forward (&), Step Right beside left (6)
7&8Turn Left knee in Tapping Left toe (7), Tap Left heel forward (&), Step Left beside right (8)
**Tag – Done on Wall 1, 3, 5**


Tag – 16 Counts (Done at the end of Walls 1, 3, 5)
TSec. 1. Weave, Tap, Tap, Kick, Weave, Tap, Tap, Kick
1&2Step Right to right side (1), Cross Left behind right (&), Step Right to right side (2)
3&4Tap Left toe beside right (3), Tap left toe beside right (&), Kick Left foot to left diagonal (4)
5&6Step Left to left side (5), Cross Right behind left (&), Step Left to left side (6)
7&8Tap Right toe beside left (7), Tap Right toe beside left (&), Kick Right foot to right diagonal (8)

TSec. 2. Hip Rolling ¼ Turns (x4)
1-2Step Right forward (1), Roll hips counterclockwise and turn ¼ left taking weight on left (2)
3-4Step Right forward (3), Roll hips counterclockwise and turn ¼ left taking weight on left (4)
5-6Step Right forward (5), Roll hips counterclockwise and turn ¼ left taking weight on left (6)
7-8Step Right forward (7), Roll hips counterclockwise and turn ¼ left taking weight on left (8)

Contact: bdhughes@shaw.ca