Who Needs Mexico

Claire Bell (UK) - February 2018
Who Needs Mexico - Mason James : (Album: Forever My Girl - soundtrack - iTunes)

Intro 16 counts. (No tags or restarts) !

Section 1: Right side, drag, back rock, side, touch, turn ¼ left, hook
1,2Step right to right side, drag left up to right
3,4Rock back on left, recover weight on right
5,6Step left to left side, touch right next to left
7,8Step back on right making ¼ turn left, hook left in front of right
Option: On count 8, click fingers above head (o-lay)!

Section 2: Step, lock, locking shuffle, rocking chair
1,2Step forward on left, lock right behind
3&4Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left
5,6Rock forward on right, recover weight on left
7,8Rock back on right, recover weight on left

Section 3: Pivot ¼ , pivot ¼ , cross back, hip bumps
1,2Step forward on right, pivot ¼ left (using hips)
3,4Step forward on right, pivot ¼ left (using hips)
5,6Cross right over left, step back on left
7,8Step right to right side bumping hips right, bump hips left

Section 4: Side, behind, ¼ right, forward, pivot ¼ right, weave
1,2Step right to right side, step left behind right
3,4Step forward on right making ¼ turn right, step forward on left
5,6Pivot ¼ turn right, cross left over right
7,8Step right to right side, step left behind right (9.o’clock)

Ending: Wall 14 starts at 9.0clock. Dance up to count 2 in section 4, then:-
step right to right side (3), cross left over right (4), step right to right side (5), triple step L,R,L (6&7) on the spot to finish !
(you’ll be facing front wall) Ta da !!