Just Human

Ellie Hendriks (NL) - October 2018
Human BY: ZAYN, Shawn Mendes

Intro: 8 Counts

Ball Step, Full turn R, Step, Full turn L, Step, ¼ turn L, R together, cross, R together, cross.
&1Step on ball of Left, Step forward on Right,
2&3½ turn R step back on left, ½ turn R step forward on right. Step forward on left,
4&5½ turn L Step back on right, ½ turn L step left forward, Step forward on right,
6&7Pivot ¼ turn left, step right next to left, cross left over right,
&8Step right next to left, cross left over right.

Kick, Cross, step, step, cross, Coaster Step, step lock step lock step,
&1Kick right to the R diagonal, Cross Right over left,
2&3Step back on left, Step back on right, cross left over right,
4&5Step back on right, step left next to right, step right forward,
6&7Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward,
&8Lock right behind left, step right forward.

Scuff, Rock, Step Sweep, Step Sweep, Behind, ¼ R, Step, ½ Pivot R, Full turn R, Step, Shuffle L.
&1Scuff right forward, Rock Right forward,
2 3Step back on left as you sweep right behind, Step back on right as you sweep left behind,
4&5Step left behind, ¼ turn R step right forward, Step left forward,
6Pivot ½ R weight on right,
7&½ turn R step back on left, ½ turn R step forward on right
8&1Step left to L side, Step right next to left, step left to L side.

Rock recover, Step, ¼ Sailor step, Shuffle, Rock recover, shuffle.
2&3Rock right behind left , Recover on left, Step right to the side,
4&5Cross left behind right, ¼ turn L step right to R side, Step left to the side,
&6Step right next left, Step left to the side,
7&8Rock right behind left, Recover on left, Step right to R side.

No Tags No Restarts

Have fun

Contact: elliehendriks1103@hotmail.com