
Michael O'Shea (IRE) - November 2018
Chillaxin' - Craig Campbell

#16 count intro.

Fwd, touch, back, kick, coaster step, scuff.
1-2Step fwd right, touch left behind right
3-4step back left, kick right fwd
5-6step back right, close left to right
7-8step fwd right, scuff left

Step, touch, side, close, back, touch, side together
1-2step fwd left, touch right beside left
3-4step right to right side, close left to right
5-6step back right, touch left beside right
7-8step left to left side, close right to left

1/4 turn. touch, side, touch, side, behind, side, cross
1-2step left 1/4 turn left, touch right beside left
3-4step right to right side, touch left beside right
5-6step left to left side, step right behind left
7-8step left to left side, cross right over left

side rock cross hold, 1/4 turn, 1/4 turn step right, left
1-2rock left to left side, recover weight to right
3-4cross left over right, hold
5-6step right back 1/4 turn left, turning 1/4 left – step left to left side
7-8stomp fwd right, stomp left fwd

Begin Again.

Tag: At the end on wall 4 (home wall) add the following modified rumba box-
Fwd, touch, side, close, back, touch, side, together
1-2step fwd right, touch left beside right
3-4step left to left side, close right to left
5-6step back left, touch right beside left
7-8step right to right side, close left to right

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