Aces Up Your Sleeve

Barbara Tobin (USA) - February 2019
Aces Up Your Sleeve - Dion : (Amazon Digital)

*8 count Tag at end of Walls 1 and 3 (facing 6:00)
Intro: 16 counts from first beat. Weight on L

(1-8) Step forward, 1/8 right turn hitch and bent knee, 1/8 left turn step forward, 1/8 left turn hitch and bent knee, rock forward, recover, back shuffle
1,2Step R forward, 1/8 right turn hitch L next to bent right knee with finger snaps at hip level [1:30]
3,41/8 left turn step L forward [12:00], 1/8 left turn hitch R next to bent left knee with finger snaps [10:30]
5,6Rock R forward, recover L
7&8Shuffle back R/L/R

(9-16) 5/8 Left turn step forward, point, 1/4 right turn Monterey, close and point, 1/4 right turn step forward, flick behind
1,2 5/8 left turn step L forward [6:00], point R to right [6:00]
3,41/4 right turn on L ball [9:00] close R next to L, bend R knee and point L [9:00]
5,6Close L next to R and bend L knee, point R to right
7,81/4 right turn step R forward [12:00], flick L behind [12:00]

(17-24) Forward lock, 1/4 right turn forward lock, kick ball change
1,2,3Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward
4,5,61/4 right turn step R forward [3:00], lock L behind R, step R forward [3:00]
7&8Kick L forward, rock L back, recover R

(25-32) L forward, 1/2 right pivot, full right rolling turn with right leg extended, triple forward, rock forward, recover
1,2Step L forward, 1/2 right turn pivot step R forward [9:00]
3,41/2 right turn step L back with right leg extended forward, 1/2 right turn on L ball [9:00]
5&6Step R forward, step L next to R, step R forward
7,8Rock L forward, recover R and begin 1/2 left turn

(33-40) 1/2 left turn triple forward, right chasse, ¼ left turn chasse, rock back, recover
1&2Finish 1/2 left turn step L forward [3:00], step R next to L, step L forward [3:00]
3&4Step R to right, close L, step R to right
5&61/4 left turn step L to left [12:00], close R, step L to L [12:00]
7,8Rock R back, recover L

(41-48) Step forward, kick, back strut, back toe touch, 1/2 right turn unwind, heel drop, step, kick
1,2Step R forward, kick L
3,4Touch L toe slightly back, drop L heel
5,6Touch R toe back, 1/2 right turn unwind [6:00], drop R heel [6:00]
7,8Step L forward, kick R forward

(49-56) Jazz box, V step with arms extended then crossed
1,2Cross R over L, step L back
3,4Step R to right, step L forward
5,6Step R forward to right diagonal while extending right arm forward with palm up, step L forward to left diagonal while extending left arm forward with palm up
7,8Step R back while placing right hand on left bicep, step L back next to R while placing left hand on right bicep

(57-64) Slide arms down, side mambo x2, rocking chair
1&2Rock R to right while sliding arms down to sides *resembles sliding down sleeves* recover L, close R
3&4Rock L to left, recover R, close L
5,6Rock R forward, recover L
7,8Rock R back, recover L

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

TAG at end of Walls 1 and 3, facing [6:00]:
Repeat last 8 counts of dance:
Side mambo x2, rocking chair
1&2Rock R to right, recover L, close R
3&4Rock L to left, recover R, close L
5,6Rock R forward, recover L
7,8Rock R back, recover L

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Ending: Music beats end after count 16 (flick) facing [6:00]
Step L forward, 1/2 right turn pivot keeping weight on L with R pointed [12:00]

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographer with your questions: 2/20/2019