Runaround Sue

Ingrind Kan (TW) - May 2019
Runaround Sue - Human Nature

(1–8) R forward, L brush, L forward, R brush(repeat)
1-4Step forward R, brush L next to R, step forward L, brush R next to L
5-8Step forward L, step R next to L, step forward L, brush R next to L ,12.00

(9-16) Backs Step, Touch Together ,R,L,R,L
1-4R back, L touch ,L back, R touch,
5-8R back, L touch, L back, R touch,

(17-24) R Jazz box with ¼ turn R, Kick R x2, , R Back, L BackTogether
1-4Cross R over L,make ¼ turn right s ,step R to right side. L forward.
5-8Kick forward R , kick forward R , step back R , back L next to R

(25-32) R toe, R heel, R cross, hold & clap ,L toe, L heel, L cross, hold & clap ,
1-2Touch R toe next to L with R knee popped in, touch R heel to right diagonal
3-4Cross R over L, hold and clap hands
5-6Touch L toe next to R with L knee popped in, touch L heel to left diagonal
7-8Cross L over R, hold and clap hands

Have fun