Tip of My Tongue

Val Reeves (UK) - August 2019
Tip of My Tongue - Kenny Chesney

(Left side together shuffle fwd side together shuffle back)
1 2. 3&4.Left step left right step beside left shuffle fwds
5 6 7&8.Right step right left step beside right. Right shuffle back

(1/4 turn left side together shuffle fwd gentle stomp fwd hold sailor step )
9 10 11&12.Turning 1/4 left left step left right step beside left left shuffle
13 14 15&16.Right stomp fwd not hard HOLD right sailor step

(Left gentle stomp fwd hold. Sailor 1/4 left, step fwd 1/4 left twisting on right left right left)
17 18 19&20.Left stomp fwd not hard HOLD left sailor turning 1/4 left
21 24.Right step fwd 1/4 left twisting feet right left right take weight on left

(Cross shuffle rock side recover cross left over right right step back long step back on left step onto right)
25 & 26right shuffle across left
27 28.Left rock to left side recover on right
29 30.Left step across right right step back
31&32.Step back on left drag right towards left step onto right

Ending of dance rock fwd back long step . Pose

Restart - After wall 4 - Dance first 8 counts; start again