Hey, By The Way

Lisanne Winters Ledlow - December 2019
By the Way - Lindsay Ell

Alternate slower song: Games from Luke Bryan restart on walls 5 and 10 after 8 counts

Restart after 8 counts on walls: 5 (12:00), 11 (3:00), 15 (12:00), 18 (6:00)
Restarts happen after two repetitions of the lyrics: “By the way, hey, by the way, guess who’s going out tonight”

S1: [1-8] skate R, skate L, skate R, skate L, mambo forward, mambo back
1,2Skate R to forward R diagonal (1), Skate L forward to L diagonal (2) (12:00)
3,4Skate R to forward R diagonal (3), Skate L forward to L diagonal (4) (12:00)
5&6Step forward on R (5), recover on L (&), step back on R (6) (12:00)
7&8Step back on L (7), recover on R (&), step forward on L (8) (12:00)

S2: [9-16] Scissor right, scissor left, R walk back, L walk back, ¼ sailor touch
1&2Step R to right side (1), step L next to R (&), cross R over L (2) (12:00)
3&4Step L to left side (3), step R next to L (&), cross L over R (4) (12:00)
5,6Walk R back (5), Walk L back (6) (12:00)
7&8Step R behind L (7), step L ¼ over right shoulder (&) , step R forward (8) (3:00)

Facebook: Get In Line With Lisanne
Submitted by - Sonia Ouellet: soniaouellet2010@hotmail.com