God Loves It When We Dance

Tracy Walters (CAN) - January 2020
God Loves It When We Dance - Stephanie Urbina Jones

Start on Vocals

Mambo Box and Lock-Steps
1&2.Step right foot to the side, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward
3&4.Step left foot to the side, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot back
5&6.Step right foot back, step left foot across right foot, step right foot back
7&8.Step left foot back, step right foot across left foot, step left foot back

Weaves with ¼ Turn Left
9&10&.Step right foot behind left foot, make a ¼ turn left and step left foot forward, step right foot to the side, step left foot behind right foot
11&12&.Step right foot to the side, step left foot across right foot, tap right toes to the side twice
13&14&15&16.Repeat step 9&10&11&12

Pivot Turn ½ Right, Jazz Box with ¼ Turn, Pivot Turn ½ Left, Heel Hook Step
17&18.Tap right toes behind left foot, on balls of feet pivot ½ turn right (end with weight on right foot), step left foot forward
19&20.Step right foot across left foot, step left foot back, make a ¼ turn right and step right foot forward
21&22.Tap left toes behind right foot, on balls of feet pivot ½ turn left (end with weight on left foot), step right foot forward
23&24.Tap left heel forward, hook left foot across right leg, step left foot forward

Sailor-Step with ¼ turn Left, Sailor-Step, Monterey Turn ¼ Right, Jazz Box
25&26.Step right foot behind left foot, make a ¼ turn left and step on left foot, step right foot to the side
27&28.Step left foot behind right foot, step on right foot, step left foot to the side
29&30&.Tap right toes to the side, on ball of left pivot ¼ turn right and step right foot next to left foot, tap left toes to the side, step left foot next to right foot
31&32&.Step right foot across left foot, step left foot back, step right foot to the side, step left foot next to right foot

Begin Again!