Chinese New Year Song

Ultra Beginner
Russell Breslauer (USA) - February 2020
Hua Kai Fu Gui Lai (花開富貴來) - Anna Lin (林淑容)

Section 1: Side Together Half Box Forward
1 - 4Right to the right, Left next to right, Right to the right, Left next to right
5 - 8Right to the right, Left next to right, Right forward, hold

Section 2: Side Together Half Box Back
1 - 4Left to the left, Right next to left, Left to the left, Right next to left
5 - 8Left to the left, Right next to left, Left back, hold

Section 3: Long Vine to Right
1 - 4Right to the right, Left behind right, Right to the right, Left across right
5 - 8Right to the right, Left behind right, Right to the right, Touch Left

Section 4: Long Vine to Left
1 - 4Left to the left, Right behind left, Left to the left, Right across left
5 - 8Left to left, Right ¼ right turn , Left next to right, Touch Right
*For a 1-wall dance change 5-8 to be no turn
*5 - 8Left to the left, Right behind left, Left to the left, Touch Right

Repeat to the end

Last update: 2/5/20