Love Ain't

Darren Bailey (UK) - February 2020
Love Ain't - Eli Young Band

Intro: 16 Counts

Walk, R, L, R Mambo, Walk Back, L, R, L Coaster Step
1-2Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF
3&4Rock forward on RF, Recover onto LF, Step back on RF
5-6Step back on LF, Step back on RF
7&8Step back on LF, Close RF, next to LF, Step forward on LF

Rock, Recover, Step, Rock Recover, Step, 1/2 turn L, 1/4 turn L
1&2Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LF, Step forward on RF
3&4Rock LF to L side, Recover onto RF, Step forward on LF
5-6Step forward on RF, Make a 1/2 turn L
7-8Step forward on RF, Make a 1/4 turn L

Sway, R, L, Chasse R, Sway L, R, Chasse L
1-2Step RF to R side and sway to R, Sway to L
3&4Step RF to R side, Close LF next to RF, Step RF to R side
5-6Step LF to L side and sway to L, Sway to R
7&8Step LF to L side, Close RF next to LF, Step LF to L side

Last Update - 9 May 2020