Hold Me Again

David Griffiths (UK) - February 2020
Til I Gain Control Again - Blue Rodeo

Start on the word “Just” (10 secs). No tags, No restarts.

Side Right, Recover onto Left, Crossing shuffle to left, Side Left, Right behind Left, 1/4 turn Shuffle to Left.
1 - 2Step right to right side, Rock onto left foot (12.00)
3&4Cross right in front of left, side left, cross right in front of left (12.00)
5 - 6Step left to left side, Step right foot behind left (12.00)
7&8Step left to left side, close right next to left, 1/4 turn left forward (9.00)

Step Right, Pivot 1/2 Left, 1/4 turn shuffle to Right, Rock Left back, Recover, Left Kick, replace and Cross Right.
1 - 2Step Right forward, pivot 1/2 turn to left (3.00)
3&4turn 1/4 turn left stepping right to right, step left next to right, step right to right side (12.00)
5 - 6Rock back left foot behind right, recover onto right (12.00)
7&8Facing 11.00 kick left diagonally left, replace left foot, cross right in front of left (11.00)

Step Left, Touch Right, Kick Right and Cross Left, Side Right, Left behind Right, 1/4 turn Shuffle to Right
1 - 2Step left to left, touch right toe next to left foot, angled to 1.00 (1.00)
3&4Still facing 1.00 kick right diagonally right, replace right foot, cross left in front of right, turning to front (12.00)
5 - 6Step right to right side, step left behind right (12.00)
7&8Step right to right side, close left next to right, 1/4 turn right forward (3.00)

Step Left, Pivot 1/2 Right, 1/4 turn shuffle to Left, Rock Right back, Recover, Shuffle 1/2 turn to Left.
1 - 2Step Left forward, pivot 1/2 turn to right (9.00)
3&4turn 1/4 turn right stepping left to left, step right next to left, step left to left side (12.00)
5 - 6Rock right back, Recover onto left (12.00)
7&8Turn 1/2 to left stepping back on right, step back left next to right, step back on right (6.00)

Side Left, Close Right, Left Shuffle forward, Side Right, Close Left, Right Shuffle back.
1 - 2Step left to left side, close right next to left (6.00)
3&4Step left forward, step right forward behind left foot, step left forward (6.00)
5 - 6Step right to right side, close left next right (6.00)
7&8Step right back, step left back in front of right, step right in back (6.00)

Left back, Touch right next to left, Right back Coaster Step, Walk Left and Right, Left Shuffle forward.
1 - 2Step Left back, touch right next to left (6.00)
3&4Step right back, step left back next to right, step right forward (6.00)
5 - 6Walk left forward, walk right forward (6.00) (Walks can be replaced with a full turn over left shoulder)
7&8Step left forward, close right behind left, step left forward (6.00)

Cross right, Side left, right behind, point left, Cross left, Side right, Left behind, point right.
1 - 2Cross right foot, step left to left side (6.00)
3 - 4Step right foot behind left, facing 7.00 point left to left side (7.00)
5 - 6Cross left foot, step right to right side (6.00)
7 - 8Step left foot behind right, facing 5.00 point right to right side (5.00)

Cross right forward, point left to left, Cross left forward, point right to right, Cross right forward, back left, Side right, Left forward.
1 - 2Step right forward in front of left, point left to left side (6.00)
3 - 4Step left forward in front of right, point right to right side (6.00)
5 - 6Cross right in front of left, step back on left foot (6.00)
7 - 8Step right to right side, Step left forward (6.00)