Yesterday's Gone

Absolute Beginner
Vikki Morris (UK) - March 2020
Don't Stop - Fleetwood Mac : (2004 Remaster)

Start: 32 counts

S1: R Vine, Touch L, L Vine ¼ L, Scuff R
1 2Step Right to Right side, Cross Left behind Right
3 4Step Right to Right side, Touch Left next to Right
5 6Step Left to Left side, Cross Right behind Left
7 8Turn ¼ turn Left stepping forward Left, Scuff R (9 o clock)

S2: R Rock, Recover L, R Toe Strut Back, Back L Rock, Recover R, L Forward Heel Strut
1 2Rock forward Right, Recover Left
3 4Touch Right toes back, Slap Right heel down
5 6Rock back Left, Recover Right
7 8Dig Right heel forward, Slap Left toes down

S3: Paddle ¼ L x2, R Jazz Cross L
1 2Step forward Right, twist both heels Right as you turn ¼ turn Left (weight now on Left) (6 o clock)
3 4Step forward Right, twist both heels Right as you turn ¼ turn Left (weight now on Left) (3 o clock)
5 6Cross Right over Left, Step back Left
7 8Step Right to Right side, Cross Left over Right

S4: R Diagonal Shoop, Hitch L & Clap, L Diagonal Shoop, Hitch R & Clap
1 2To Right diagonal step forward Right, Step Left next to Right
3 4Step forward Right, Straighten up to front wall as you hitch Left knee & clap hands
5 6To Left diagonal step forward Left, Step Right next to Left
7 8Step forward Left, straighten up to front wall as you hitch Right knee & clap hands
(shoop arms forward for this section)
