AB When You're Smiling

Absolute Beginner
Debbie Small (USA) - April 2020
When You're Smiling - Michael Bublé

Intro: Start on “smiling” (when the music kicks in)

2 Toe Struts Forward, Kick Step Step
1-2Step right toe forward, drop right heel
3-4Step left toe forward, drop left heel
5-6Kick right forward, large step right back
7-8Step left back together, hold

2 Toe Struts Forward, Kick Step Step
1-2Step right toe forward, drop right heel
3-4Step left toe forward, drop left heel
5-6Kick right forward, large step right back
7-8Step left back together, hold

Touch Heel Forward and Step Together (4X - completing turn 1/4 left)
1-2Touch right heel forward, step right together
3-4Turn 1/8 left and touch left heel forward, step left together (10:30)
5-6Touch right heel forward, step right together
7-8Turn 1/8 left and touch left heel forward, step left together (9:00)

Touch Side, Hold, Together, Hold, Side, Together, Forward, Scuff
1-2Touch right side, hold
3-4Step right together, hold
5-6Step left side, step right together
7-8Step left forward, scuff right heel forward

Optional Ending: (last wall faces 12:00)
Sections 1 and 2 are the same
Section 3: do the 4 heel steps in place (no turn)
Section 4: step or touch right next to left on count 8