A Place in the Choir

Pauline Bell (UK) - April 2020
A Place in the Choir - Barleycorn

Intro: -32 Counts - Easy Bridge & Tag
Section 1: Front Side, Sailor Step. Front Side. Sailor ¼ Turn.
1 - 2Touch right in front of left. Touch right to right side.
3 &4Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right in place.
5 - 6Touch left in front of right. Touch left to left side.
7 &8Make ¼ turn left, Crossing left behind right, step right to right side, step left in place

Section 2: Right Lock Step. Left Lock Step. Jazz box ¼ Turn.
1 & 2Step right forward. Lock left behind right. Step right forward.
3-&4Step left forward. Lock right behind left. Step left forward.
5 - 6Cross right foot over left. Step left foot back.
7 – 8¼ turn right stepping right in place, Step left in place.
Bridge: Walls 1, 3, 5, 7

Section 3: Extended Vine Right. Repeat to Left.
1 & 2 &Step right to right side. Cross left behind right. Step right to right side. Cross left in front of right.
3 & 4Step right to right side. Cross left behind right. Step right to right side.
5 &6 &Step left to left side. Cross right behind left. Step left to left side. Cross right in front of left.
7 & 8Step left to left side. Cross right behind left. Step left to left side.

Section 4: Monterey ¼ Turn x 2. Rocking Chair. Heel Toe.
1 &2&Touch right toe to right side, turn ¼ right as you step right next to left. Touch left toe to left side, step left next to right
3 & 4Touch right toe to right side, turn ¼ right as you step right next to left. Touch left toe to left side, step left next to right
5 & 6 &Rock right forward. Recover onto left. Rock right back. Recover onto left.
7 - 8Touch right heel forward. Touch right toe back.
Tag: Walls 1, 3, 5, 6

Bridge: After 16 counts-1, 3, 5, 7
1-2Touch Right in Front. Touch Right to Right Side.

Tag: End of Walls- 1, 3, 5, 6
1-2Touch Right in Front. Touch Right to Right Side.