Holding Back

Frank Heelan (IRE) - May 2020
Leave Me Breathless - Zyke

Sec 1: Forward, side, cross rock side, coaster step, rock step.
1-2Step right forward, step left out to side.
3&4Cross rock right over left, recover to left, step right to right.
5&6Step back left, right together, step forward left.
7-8Rock forward right, recover to left. (12.00)

Sec 2: Turn, hold, turn, hold, coaster step, pivot ¼ .
1-2Turn ½ right stepping forward right, hold. (6.00)
3-4Turn ½ right stepping back on left, hold. (12.00)
5&6Step back right, left together, forward right.
7-8Step forward left, pivot ¼ right, step right to right. (3.00)

Sec 3: Cross side sailor heel, & cross side sailor heel.
1-2Cross left over right, step right to right.
3&4Step left behind right, recover to right, left heel to left.
&5-6Step on left, cross right over left, step left to left.
7&8Step right behind left, recover to left, right heel to right. (3.00)

Sec 4: & cross turn, turn cross, side rock, behind side step.
&1-2Step on right, cross left over right, turn ¼ left step back right. (12.00)
3-4Turn ¼ left step left to left, cross right over left. (9.00)
5-6Rock left to left, recover to right.
7&8step left behind, right to side, forward left.

Contact: heelanjohnl@gmail.com