Plot Twist

High Improver
Rex Chuan (USA) - November 2020
Plot Twist - NIKI

Restart: 1

Start: A bit tricky. The song has a vocal introduction. Start counting the vocal introduction as step 3 (instead of 1), and the dance starts after the second 8 counts.

S1: Forward, Cross Tap, Side Cross, Dorothy, Pivot Turn
12&34.Step LF forward(1), cross tap RF(2), hitch RF(&), step RF R(3), cross LF(4)
56&78.Step RF R(5), cross LF behind RF(6), step RF R(&), make quarter turn R and step LF forward (7), make quarter turn R and step RF R(8) (6:00)

S2: Cross, Tap & Flick, Forward, Pivot, Dorothy, Step & Tap, Step & Tap
12&34.Cross LF(1), wide tap RF R(2), flick RF (&), step RF forward (3), make quarter turn L and step LF forward (4)
56&7&8&.Step RF forward(5), cross LF behind RF(6), step RF forward (&), step RF diagonally (7), tap LF together (&), step LF diagonally (8), tap RF together (&) (3:00)

S3: Sailor Turn, Walk, Walk, Side, Swivel & Tap, Side, Swivel & Tap
12&34.Step LF L(1), make half turn and cross RF behind LF(2), step LF L(&), step LF forward (3), step RF forward (4)
5678.Step RF R(5), swivel quarter L and tap LF forward (6), swivel quarter R and step LF L(7), swivel quarter R and tap RF forward (8) (12:00)

S4: Side Rock, Recover, Side, Side Rock, Recover, Cross Rock, Recover, Side, Cross, Side, Turn & Side
12&34.Rock RF R(1), recover (2), step RF together (&), rock LF(3), recover (4)
5&6&78&.Cross rock LF(5), recover(&), hold 6, step LF L(&), cross RF(7), step LF L(8) and swivel quarter R, step RF R(&) (3:00)

Restart: In the second set of the fourth wall, after Dorothy(56&), make modification by stepping LF forward (7), make half turn, click RF and step forward (8), then restart here facing 6:00

Enjoy the dance!