Can You Hold Me

Easy Intermediate
Katrin Gäbler (DE) & Misuk La (KOR) - November 2020
Can You Hold Me (feat. Britt Nicole) - NF

Intro: 36 Counts, start on lyrics

[1-6] Rock Left Fwd, Hold x2, Recover, Side Rock Left, Recover
1-3LF rock fwd, bring your right arm up, hold for 2 counts
4Recover weight back on RF
5LF rock left
6Recover weight back on RF

[7-12] Cross-Side-Behind, Side, Drag, Touch
1LF stap across RF
2RF step aside
3LF cross behind RF
4RF make a big step to right
5LF drag next to RF
6LF touch next to RF

[13-18] 1 ¼ Turn Left, Step, ½ Turn Left, Reverse Twinkle Step
1LF step ¼ left fwd
2RF ½ left back
3LF step ½ left fwd
4RF step fwd
5½ left, weight ends on RF (3.00)

[19-24] Recover, ½ Sweep Turn Right, Reverse Twinkle Right
1Recover weight on LF
2-3½ sweep turn right on LF, RF sweep back
4RF cross behind LF
5LF step aside
6RF step slightly fwd (10.30)

[25-30] Step Fwd, Hold x2, Recover, Back x2
1LF step fwd, raise your right arm
4Recover weight back on RF
5LF step back
6RF step back

[31-36] Basic Waltz Step Back, Step , 1/8 Sweep Turn Right
1LF step back
2RF step back
3LF step next RF
4RF step fwd
5-61/8 turn right, sweep LF fwd (12.00)

[37-42] Cross, Side, Behind, Diamond
1LF cross over RF
2Step RF to right
3LF cross behind RF *** Ending
4RF step 1/8 left back
5LF step 1/8 left aside (9.00)
6RF step 1/8 left fwd (7.30)

[43-48] Diamond, Back, Spiral ¾ Turn Left
1LF step 1/8 left fwd (6.00)
2RF step aside
3LF step back
4RF step back
5-6¾ spiral turn left on RF

Ending: Stepchange in the 9th wall:
4-6RF cross behind LF, step RF to right, Hold