Dazed and Confused

Intermediate / Advanced - Waltz / WCS
Adia Nuno (USA) - November 2020
Dazed & Confused - Ruel

Note: Begin on words or verse (approximately 12 counts in), 1 Tag/4 Restarts

SECTION 1 (Counts 1-6)
1-2(1-2) Standing with weight on L foot, hitch R foot and rise on L ball of foot
3(3) Step down on R foot, taking weight
4-5-6(4-5) Step L foot next to R, sweep R foot from front to back (6) Cross R foot behind L foot

SECTION 2 (Counts 7-12)
1-2-3(1) Rock L foot to L side (2) Recover weight on R side (3) Cross L foot behind R foot
4-5-6(4) Step RF towards 3:00, slight turn over right shoulder (5-6) Stepping/spinning onto RF, Sweep L foot around to 11:00, front to back, body turns with sweep so end facing 11:00

SECTION 3 (Counts 13-18)
1-2&3(1) Step L foot towards 11:00 diagonal (2) Step R foot towards diagonal (&) Lock L foot behind R and rise up on toes (3) Step R foot towards diagonal
4-5-6(4) Step L foot forward on toes (5) Staying on toes, recover weight on R foot (6) Staying on toes, recover weight on L foot

SECTION 4 (Counts 19-24)
1-2-3(1) Cross R foot over L (2) Step L foot back (3) Step R foot back
4-5-6(4) Step L foot side to face 3:00 (5) Step R foot towards 6:00 (6) Step L foot forward to 6:00

SECTION 5 (Counts 25-30)
1-2-3(1) Step R foot forward towards 6:00 (2) Making full turn over L shoulder, spin on R foot while hitching L foot in coupe (3) Step L ball of foot down, still crossed over R
4-5-6(4-6) Step R foot big step to R side, lounging

SECTION 6 (Counts 31-36)
1-2-3(1) Rock L foot (2) Recover weight on R foot making ¼ over R shoulder (3) Continuing rotation over R shoulder, step L foot back making ½ pivot/turn to end facing 3:00, L foot taking weight
4-5-6(4) Rock R foot back while lifting L heel/popping L knee (5) Recover weight onto L foot, placing heel back down (6) Rotating over L shoulder, make 1/2 turn stepping back onto R foot, end at 6:00

SECTION 7 (Counts 37-42)
1-2-3(1) Making ½ turn over L shoulder, step towards 3:00 wall, cross L foot over R (2) Step R foot to R side (3) Recover weight on L foot
4-5-6(1) Cross R foot over L (2) Step L foot to L side (3) Recover weight on R foot

SECTION 8 (Counts 43-48)
1-2-3(1) Step L foot forward towards 3:00, keeping weight off the heels, knees bent (2) Keeping feet on the ground, twist body ½ turn over R shoulder, heels will swivel 45 degrees, knees straightening slightly (3) Return ½ twist over L shoulder to face, heels swiveling with toes facing 3:00, L foot taking weight, knees completely straight
4-5-6(4-5) Pushing off of R foot, make a ½ turn over R shoulder while sweeping R foot from front to back, end facing 9:00 (6) Step R foot back, taking full weight

**RESTART HERE on wall 1 (facing 9:00), 3 (facing 9:00) , 5+TAG (facing 9:00 ), 6 (facing 6:00)

**TAG HERE: on the words "Oh-I've-Been" hesitation step: (4-"Oh") legs in 4th position, raised up on balls of foot, weight on R leg (5-"I've'") Shift weight to L leg (6-"Been") Shift weight to R leg, lower heels

**END: After finishing the sweep, take R leg to R side making a ¼ turn and look down over R shoulder (body facing 6:00)

SECTION 9 (Counts 49-54)
1-2-3(1-2) Raising up into L ball of foot, hitch R foot to L knee (3) Step down onto R foot, towards 9:00
4-5-6(4) Cross L foot over R (5) Step/rock R foot to R side, taking weight (6) Recover weight onto L foot

SECTION 10 (Counts 55-60)
1-2-3(1) Cross R foot over L (2) Step on to L foot and make ½ turn over R shoulder (3) Step R foot to R side, facing 3:00
4-5-6(4) Cross L foot over R, taking weight (5) Point R leg to R side (6) Drag R toe in towards L foot, brushing L foot

SECTION 11 (Counts 61-66)
1-2-3(1-2) Stepping R foot forward, take 2 counts to raise up onto toes while making a ½ turn/twist over L shoulder, swiveling heels (3) weight on L foot with prep or arms getting ready to turn over R shoulder
4-5-6(4) Step R foot forward (5) L foot steps back ½ turn over R shoulder (6) Turn ½, R foot stepping forward

SECTION 12 (Counts 67-72)
1-2-3(1) L foot steps forward (2) Turning ½ half over L shoulder, step R foot back (3) Making another ½ turn over L shoulder, L foot steps forward
4-5-6(4-5) Stepping R foot forward, take 2 counts to raise up onto toes while making a ½ turn/twist over L shoulder, swivelling heels (6) Weight comes down onto L foot

**RESTARTS on wall 1 (facing 9:00), 3 (facing 9:00) , 5+TAG (facing 9:00 ), 6 (facing 6:00)

**TAG:Wall 5 after 48 counts on the words "Oh-I've-Been" hesitation step: (4-"Oh") legs in 4th position, raised up on balls of foot, weight on R leg (5-"I've'") Shift weight to L leg (6-"Been") Shift weight to R leg, lower heels

**END: After finishing the sweep, take R leg to R side making a ¼ turn and look down over R shoulder (body facing 6:00)

Thank you and enjoy!

For further questions or clarification please contact Adia at coachanuno16@yahoo.com

Last Update - 7 June 2021