Long Way 'Round

High Improver
Glenda Silver (AUS) - January 2021
Long Way 'round (feat. Ashleigh Dallas) - Luke O'Shea : (Album: There In The Ochre)

DANCE: Clockwise - INTRO: On Vocals

Cross Right, Side Left, Right Heel Diagonal, Together Right, Cross left, Side Right, Left Heel Diagonal, Together Left
1234-Cross R over L, step side L, diag R, step R tog
5678-Cross L over R, step R side, diag L, step L tog (12.00)

Rock Forward Right, Replace, 1/2 Turn Right, Shuffle Forward RLR, Jazz Box 1/4 Left *
123&4-Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, 1/2 turn R on L, shuffle Fwd RLR
5678-Cross L over R, step back R, 1/4 turn L on L, touch R beside L (3.00)

Shuffle Right, Rock Replace, Shuffle Left, Rock Replace
1&234-Side shuffle RLR, rock back L, replace onto R
5&678-Side shuffle LRL, rock back R, replace onto L (3.00)

Step Touch Left, Step Touch Right, Rock Forward, Replace, Coaster Step Back Right * *
1234-Step fwd R, touch L to side, step fwd L, touch R to side (weight on L)
567&8-Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, step back R, tog L (&), Fwd R (3.00)

Rock Forward Left, 3600 Turning Shuffle Left, Rock Back Right, Replace
123&4-Rock Fwd L, replace onto R, 1/2 turn L Shuffle Fwd LRL (weight on L)
5&678-1/2 turn L, shuffle back RLR, rock back L, replace onto R (3.00)

Side Rock Left, Replace, Cross Rock Left, Replace, Side Rock Left, Replace, Behind Side Cross Left
1234-Side rock L, replace onto R, cross rock L over R, replace onto R
567&8-Side rock L, replace onto R, step L behind R, side R (&), cross L over R (3.00)

Side Rock Right, Replace, Cross Rock Right, replace, Side Rock Right, Replace, Behind Side Cross Right
1234-Side rock R, replace onto L, cross rock R over L, replace onto L
567&8-Side rock R, replace onto L, step R behind L, side L (&), cross R over L (3.00)

Stomp Forward, Hold, Stomp Forward Hold, Rock Forward L, Replace, 1/2 Turn Left, Shuffle Forward LRL
1234-Stomp L Fwd, hold, stomp R fwd, hold
567&8-Rock Fwd L, replace onto R, 1/2 turn L on R, shuffle Fwd LRL (9.00)

RESTART: * End of wall1, facing 9.00: Dance to count 16, restart wall 2, at 12.00

Finish: * * Dance to count 32, will be facing 3.00, add following:
1234-Rock Fwd L, replace onto R, 1/4 turn L, side shuffle LRL,

GLENDA SILVER: Footlooselinedancers.net EMAIL: glendasksilver@gmail.com MOBILE: 0427927019

Last Update - 18 Feb. 2021-R2