Look at Us!

Georgie Mygrant (USA) - February 2021
Look at Us - Vince Gill

Alternate song, Look At Us, by John Prine feat Morgane Stapleton (A little faster)

Intro: 16 counts

Basic R side and return, vine R
1-8Step R Side, touch L to Rf, return to L, touch Lf with Rf, Step R side, L behind R, step R side, touch L to R
1-8Step L side, touch R to Lf, return to R, Touch Rf with Lf Step L, side, R behind L, step L side, touch R to L

Basic, R Front. Basic R Back
1-8Step Rf front, touch next to Lf, Step back with L, touch Rf next to Lf , Step Back with Rf, touch L next to R, Step L front, touch R to L

Basic, R Side, Turn ¼ to L. Rocking Chair,
1-8Step R side, (1) Touch Lf to R, (2) return to Lf and Turn ¼ to L on count 3, touch Rf to L, (4) Rock R front, return to L, Rock back on R return to Lf.

Start over! Enjoy! Any questions, contact me at mygeo@adamswells.com