Broken Heart

Anna Desiyanti (INA) & Muhammad Sawaludin (INA) - June 2021
Terluka - Armand Maulana

*2 Tags : on Wall 5 & 7, after 24 Counts
*2 Restarts : on Wall 5 & 7, after Tag

The dance starts on vocal, after 16 counts of intro and 4 counts of silence

*SECTION 1* [1-8] : Side Touch, Together, Side Lunges, Pivot Turn, Run, Arabesque, Touch With Dropped Body.
1,&,2 Touch LF to left side, while head turn to right and arms cross over chest(1), Step LF next to R(&), Touch RF to right side, LF is bent, while upper body pointing to left and arms parallel wide open(2),
3,&,4 Facing 03:00, step RF forward(3), Facing 09:00 make 1/2 pivot turn, on ball LF step backward(&), Step RF forward(4),
5,&,6 Step LF forward(5), Step RF forward(&), Making Arabesque, step LF forward as lifting RF backward, while raise right hand over the head and left hand parallel to the shoulder(6)
7,8 Touch RF next to LF while knees bent and body dropped(7), Step RF to right side(8).

*SECTION 2* [9-16] : Quick Sway, Full Turn, Pique, Backward Turn, Pique.
1,&,2 Sway to the left, weight on LF(1), Sway to the right, weight on RF(&), Sway to the left, weight on LF(2),
3,&,4 Facing 12:00 , 1/4 turn right step RF forward(3), Facing 06:00, make 1/2 turn right, on ball LF step backward(&), Facing 12:00, make 1/2 turn right, step RF forward(4),
5,&,6 Step LF forward(5), Step RF forward(&), Making pique, step LF forward while folding RF with palm behind left knee(6),
7,&,8 Step RF backward(7), Facing 06:00, 1/2 turn left, step LF forward(&), Making pique, step RF forward while folding LF with palm behind right knee(8).

*SECTION 3* [17-24] : Sailor Step L&R, Lunges, Touch, Backward Turn.
1,&,2 Cross LF behind RF(1), Step RF to right side(&), Step LF to left side(2)
3,&,4 Cross RF behind LF(3), Step LF to left side(&), Step RF to right side(4),
5,6 Doing lunge, extend LF backward with toe, while right knee is bent and weight on RF(5), Touch LF next to RF as right knee straightened out, weight on RF,
7,&,8 Step LF forward(7), Facing 12:00, 1/2 turn left, on ball RF step backward(&), Step LF backward weight on LF(8)
*Here is the Tag , on Wall 5 and 7*
& Switch the weight to RF

*SECTION 4* [25-32] : Pique Turn, Walk Forward, Coaster Step, Shenae Turn
1,&,2,& Making pique, step RF forward while folding LF with palm behind right knee(1), Facing 06:00, 1/2 turn right, on ball LF step backward(&), Facing 12:00, making pique, step RF forward while folding LF with palm behind right knee(2), Facing 06:00, 1/2 turn right, on ball LF step backward(&)
3,4 Facing 12:00, 1/2 turn right, step RF forward(3), Step LF forward(4),
5,6,& Rock RF forward(5), Recover on LF(6), Step RF next to LF(&),
7,8 Step LF forward(7), Facing 06:00, make shenae turn, on ball LF spin 1/2 turn, together with LF next to RF(8)