Tequila Sundown

Sarah Caldwell, Laura Sway (UK) & I.C.E. (ES) - July 2021
Tequila Sundown - Jon Wolfe

Note- Dance starts after 16 counts facing left diagonal 10.30

S1- Rock forward right to left diagonal, recover on left, shuffle back on right, left back rock, left side rock.
123&4-Rock forward on the right to left diagonal (10.30) recover weight onto left, step back on right, close left to right, step back on right.
5678-Rock back on left, recover on right, Rock left to left side, recover weight on right, straightening up to (12.00)

S2- Front side behind, sweep, step back touch left (click) step left sweep right forward.
1234-Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right, sweep right foot round from front to back.
5678-Step Back on the right, Touch left to left side (click fingers) step forward on left, sweep right from back to the front

S3- Cross over, side, ¼ step right, flick left foot up, step left, ½ left, shuffle back left.
1234-Cross right over left, step left to left side, step back on the right making ¼ turn right, flick your left foot up behind. (Ole) (3.00)
5678-step forward on the left, make ½ turn left stepping back on the right, step back on the left, step right to left, step back on the left. (9.00)

S4- Step right back, cross touch (click) shuffle forward left, hip bumps right left right, hip left making 1/8 left.
123&4-step back on the right, touch left across right (click fingers) step forward on left, step right to left, step forward on left.
567-bump hips right left right
8-bump hip left making. 1/8 turn left ready to start the dance again on the diagonal.

TAG End of wall 4, facing 10.30 (front wall)
Stay facing your diagonal, Cross rock, recover, side rock, recover, right jazz box.
1234-Rock right across left, recover on left, Rock right to right side, weight on left.
5678-right Over left, step back on the left, step right to right side, step forward on left.


Last Update - 22 July 2021