Piga & Dräng

Phrased Improver
Alexandra Schmitt (DE) - August 2021
Piga & dräng - Drängarna

Notes: A, A, B, B, A, A, B, B, A, B, B, A, B, B, B, B
The Dance starts after 24 counts on the vocals.

Part A: 32 count
AS1: Vine R With Scuff, Cross Rock, Side, Scuff
1-2Step R to right, step L behind R
3-4Step R to right, scuff L forward on right diagonal
5-6Cross L over R, recover weight back onto R
7-8Step L to left, scuff R forward on left diagonal

AS2: Jazz Box, Rocking Chair
1-2Cross R over L, step back on L
3-4Step R to right, step L next to right
5-6Step forward on R, recover weight back onto L
7-8Step back on R, recover weight back onto L

AS3: Step, Pivot ¼ Turn L, Cross, Side, Behind, ¼ Turn L, Stomp, Hold
1-2Step forward on R, ¼ turn left (weight on L) (9:00)
3-4Cross R over L, step L to left
5-6Step R behind L, ¼ turn left stepping forward on L (6:00)
7-8Stomp R next to L, hold

AS4: Toe Strut Forward L + R, Jazz Box With Touch
1-2Step forward on L toe, drop down heel
3-4Step forward on R toe, drop down heel
5-6Cross L over R, step back on R
7-8Step L to left, touch R next to L

Part B: 16 count
BS1: Heel & Touch Back & Heel, Hook, Locking Shuffle Forward, Point, Flick
1&R heel forward, step R next to L
2&Touch L behind R, step L next to R
3-4R heel forward, hook R in front of L
5&6Step forward on R, lock L behind R, step forward on R
7-8Point L to left, flick L behind R knee

BS2: Chasse L, Rock Back, ¼ Turn L, ¼ Turn L, Kick Ball Step
1&2Step L to left, step R next to L, step L to left
3-4Step back on R, recover weight back onto L
5-6¼ turn left stepping back on R, ¼ turn left stepping L to left (6:00)
7&8Kick forward on R, step R next to L, step forward on L

Sequence: A, A, B, B, A, A, B, B, A, B, B, A, B, B, B, B

Start again.