Dim All The Lights

Jeffrey Callejo (USA) & Britt Beresik (USA) - October 2021
Dim All the Lights - Donna Summer

Intro - 30 counts (BPM= 60), 2 wall. Start intro after 16 slow beats just before the lyrics start.

Step and sweep, Cross, Side, Rock back, Recover, Side, Rock back, Recover, 1/2 Pivot
1-2(1) Step Right forward and Sweep Left from back to front, (2) Cross Left over right [12:00]
3-4&(3) Large Step Right to side, (4) Rock Left back, (&) Recover onto Right
5-6&(5) Large Step Left to side, (6) Rock Right back, (&) Recover onto Left*
7-8(7) Step Right forward, (8) Turn 1/2 left (weight to left) [6:00]
Repeat above pattern 3 times in full.
*On the 4th repeat, you will end on counts 6& to start the main dance facing the back as wall #1.
Get ready to pick up the pace!

Main Dance - 32 counts (BPM= 120), 4 wall.
S1 1-8: Walk, Walk, Dorothy x2, 1/2 Pivot
1-2(1) Step Right forward (2) Step Left forward [6:00]
3-4&(3) Step Right diagonally forward to the right, (4) Cross Left behind right, (&) Step Right to right side
5-6&(5) Step Left diagonally forward to the left, (6) Cross Right behind left, (&) Step Left to left side
7-8(7) Step Right forward, (8) Turn 1/2 left (weight to left) [12:00]

S2 9-16: Step, Touch, Step Touch, Fwd Toe, & Toe, & Toe, Clap Clap
1-2(1) Step Right forward, (2) Touch Left next to right
3-4(3) Step Left forward, (4) Touch Right next to left
**Restart here after count 4 on Walls 4 and 8
&5&6(&) Step Right slightly forward, (5) Tap Left toe to left side, (&) Step Left next to right, (6) Tap Right toe to side
&7&8(&) Step Right next to left, (7) Tap Left toe to side, (&) Clap, (8) Clap [12:00]

S3 17-24: & 1/2 Pivot, 1/4 Pivot, Jazz box with Cross
&1-2(&) Step Left next to right, (1) Step forward on Right, (2) Turn 1/2 left (weight to left) [6:00]
3-4(3) Step forward on Right, (4) Turn 1/4 left (weight to left) [3:00]
5-8(5) Cross Right over left, (6) Step back on Left, (7) Step Right to side, (8) Cross Left over right [3:00]

S4 25-32: Side, Together, Shuffle back, Side, Together, Shuffle forward
1-2(1) Step Right to side, (2) Step Left next to right
3&4(3) Step Right back, (&) Step Left next to right, (4) Step right back
5-6(5) Step Left to side, (6) Step Right next to left
7&8(7) Step forward on Left, (&) Step Right next to left, (8) Step Left forward [3:00]

Repeat Only Main Dance Section to End - finishes front!

Contact Jeffrey Callejo: tjrc@hawaii.rr.com
Contact Britt Beresik: linedancinghouston@gmail.com