Just a Notion - AB

Absolute Beginner
Lynn Funk (USA) - October 2021
Just A Notion - ABBA

Starts just before the vocals about 24 counts from the very beginning of music

Side Touches (Sway-Hand motions and finger snaps optional) and Right Grapevine
1-4Step R Foot to the Right and Touch L Toe next to R Foot, Step L Foot to Left and Touch R Toe next to L Foot
5-8Step R Foot to the Right, Step L Foot Behind R Foot, Step R Foot to the Right, Touch L Toe next to R Foot (Grapevine)

Side Touches (Sway-Hand Motions and finger snaps optional) and Left Grapevine
1-4Step L Foot to the Left and Touch R Toe next to L Foot, Step R Foot to the Right andTouch L Toe next to R Foot
5-8Step L Foot to the Left, Step R Foot Behind L Foot, Step L Foot to the Left, Touch R Toe next to L Foot (Grapevine)

Back and Forward Touches (Sway Movement) with a 1/4 Left Turn
1-4Step R Foot Back and Touch L Toe next to R Foot, Step L Foot Forward and Touch R Toe next to L Foot
5-8Step R Foot Back and Touch L Toe next to R Foot, Step L Foot Forward but turn ¼ Left and Touch R Toe next to L Foot (9:00)

Rock/Recover and Cross Right and Left
1-4Rock R Foot to the Right, Recover on L Foot, Cross R Foot Over L Foot, Hold
5-8Rock L Foot to the Left, Recover on R Foot, Cross L Foot Over R Foot, Hold

End of Dance, No Tags, No Restarts!

Hope you Enjoy!

Contact: Lynn Funk at: slfaz441@gmail.com