Violet Fragrance remix (보라빛향기)

Janice Kim (KOR) - March 2022
Violet Fragrance-Kang Suji (강수지-보라빛 향기) Colorvity Remix

Intro: 32counts (aprox. 15sec.)
**2 Easy Tags:
*1st Tag- 8 Counts, On Wall 5 (12:00)
*2nd Tag- 4 Counts, On Wall 8(9:00)

[1-8] Heel, Heel. Heels Out, Toes Out, Toes In, Heels In
1 2Tap right heel diagonally R forward, return RF next to LF
3 4Tap left heel diagonally L forward, return LF next to RF
5 6Swivel both heels out, swivel both toess out
7 8Swivel both toes in, Swivel both heels in

[9-16] Repeat [1-8]

[17-24] Vine R, Touch, Rocking Chair
1 2 3 4Step RF to R side, step LF behind RF, step RF to R side, touch LF next to RF
5 6Rock LF forward, recover on RF
7 8Rock LF back, recover on RF

[25-32] Vine L, Touch, Rocking Chair
1 2 3 4Step LF to L side, step RF behind LF, step LF to L side, touch RF next to LF
5 6Rock RF forward, recover on LF
7 8Rock RF back, recover on LF

[33-40] 4x Fwd Step Touches(Clap on Touches)
1 2 3 4Step RF slightly diagonal forward, touch LF to RF(clap), Step LF slightly diagonal forward, touch RF to LF(clap)
5 6 7 8Step RF slightly diagonal forward, touch LF to RF(clap), Step LF slightly diagonal forward, touch RF to LF(clap)

[41-48] 4x Back Step Touches( Clap On Touches)
1 2 3 4Step RF slightly diagonal back, touch LF to RF(clap), Step LF slightly diagonal back, touch RF to LF(clap)
5 6 7 8Step RF slightly diagonal back, touch LF to RF(clap), Step LF slightly diagonal back, touch RF to LF(clap)

[49-56] Vine R, Touch, 1/4R Vine, Scuff
1 2 3 4Step RF to R side, step LF behind RF, step RF to R side, touch LF next to RF
5 6 7 8Step LF to L side, step RF behind LF, 1/4 turning L step LF forward, scuff RF next to LF

[57-64] Jazzbox With Toe Strut, Cross
1 2Cross & touch right toes over LF, drop right heel in place
3 4Touch left toes behind RF, drop left heel in place
5 6touch right toe to R side, drop right heel in place
7 8Cross LF over RF, hold

*1st Tag:(Same as [1-8])
[1-8] Heel, Heel. Heels Out, Toes Out, Toes In, Heels In
1 2Tap right heel diagonally R forward, return RF next to LF
3 4Tap left heel diagonally L forward, return LF next to RF
5 6Swivel both heels out, swivel both toess out
7 8Swivel both toes in, Swivel both heels in

*2nd Tag
[1-4] Heel, Heel
1 2Tap right heel diagonally R forward, return RF next to LF
3 4Tap left heel diagonally L forward, return LF next to RF

Enjoy dancing!
