Bonfire this Saturday Night

Ursula Traffelet (CH) - May 2022
Bonfire - Addison Johnson : (Album: Cherokee Blues)

TAG: Hold 4 counts end of Wall 10 (12:00)
Restart: no

Dance starts after 10 slow counts with the Words "Flowers"

Sec 1: R Slow Jazzbox
1 2Touch R Toe over left (1), drop R Heel down snap (2) 12:00
3 4Touch L Toe back (3), drop L Heel down snap (4)
5 6Touch R Toe to R side (5), drop R Heel down snap (6)
7 8Touch L Toe in front of right (7), drop L Heel down snap (8) 12:00

Section 2: R Side, Touch, L Side, Touch, ¼ Turn L, R Side, Kick/Clap, L Side, Kick/Clap
1 2RF Step to right (1), LF Touch next RF (2)
3 4LF Step to left (3), RF Touch next to LF (4)
5 6¼ turn over left RF Step to right (5), LF kick across RF clap (6)
7 8RF Step to right side (7), LF kick across RF clap (8) 3:00

Sec 3: R Weave, Side Rock Recover ¼ Turn, 2 Steps Fwd r,l
1 2RF Step to right (1), LF Step behind RF (2)
3 4RF Step to right (3), LF cross over RF (4) 3:00
5 6RF Rock to right (5), recover wight onto LF as you make a ¼ turn left (6) 6:00
7 8RF Walk Fwd (7), LF Walk Fwd (8)

Sec 4: Heel, Together, Heel, Together, Rocking Chair
1 2R Heel tap to the front (1), RF Step next LF (2)
3 4L Heel tap to the front (3), LF Step next RF (4)
5 6R Rock Fwd (5), replace weight on LF (6)
7 8L Rock back (7), replace weight on RF (8) 6:00

Ending: Wall 13 after 22 counts facing 6:00 make Step ½ Turn 12:00

Styling Options: Feel free to Snap your fingers during the slow Jazzbox and clap during the kicks.

Start again and Dancin' Fun!